The following paragraph from Licktman and Brightman’s FDR and the Jews corroborates Henry Ford’s writings in the International Jew for which he was crucified


Leaders of the American Jewish Committee united with Zionists to support the Balfour Declaration of November 1917 in which Britain promised a ‘National Homeland’ for Jews in Palestine, but not explicitly a Jewish state (which Committee leaders mostly opposed). They also agreed to proposals to establish a “bill of rights” for Jews living in newly created European states at the end of the war. Postwar treaties incorporated both the Balfour Declaration and on-paper protection for Jewish minorities although not the full safeguards of Jewish bill of rights.


So there you have it, Henry Ford was absolutely correct. Let’s have a repudiation of Ford’s false apology and an authentic one from the American Jewish Committee


April 5, 2024

The Roosevelt Effect:

The Tyranny Has Arrived


R.E. Prindle

There is nothing more clear, this Baltimore Bridge thing is an act of war.  If the Iranians didn’t do it I will be more than amazed.  We have had clear threats from the Iranians that the war would be brought home to us.  The Bridge is a first example.  Others will follow.

The US cannot go around bombing everyone without expecting retaliations.  Twin Towers, this bridge, the continual burning of US forests, when will we officially acknowledge that these are all acts of war?  Things can only get worse.

The mad men are in control.  They have dropped all their masks and repudiate all laws and customs in the attempt to destroy Trump.  They have returned to the Stone Age.  The mad Biden/Obama, Obama/Biden administrations are not going to give up power unless absolutely forced to.  They are tyrants in the original ancient Greek sense and they govern tyrannically. 

The final means of preventing Trump resuming his presidency is allow the election but by declaring a state of emergency and instituting martial lar preventing his inauguration much as Roosevelt did in 1940 when he sought his third term.  Upon election in 1932 he ‘declared war on the depression’ and was given full war time powers, hence becoming a dictator and establishing a tyranny until his death.  Democratic actions have and are closely following Roosevelt’s procedures.  The only thing that prevented a post war tyranny was the fortunate death of Roosevelt in early 1945 and the accession of VP Harry Trueman.  There will be no saving us this time unless we invade the White House and bodily eject Joe Biden and his buddy Barack Obama, immediately declaring a state of emergency and martial law.  Direct action is required. 

These are the times for all good men to come to the aid of their party.

Daughter of Babylon

March 24, 2024

Mar 9, 2024

By Pamela Andrews aka Daughter of Babylon

God & Jesus Discuss the Challenge of Holy Daughter of Babylon

Jesus: Why’d you leave? Why’d you walk away like that?
God: Life’s too short, kid.

Jesus: Where you goin’?

God: I’m goin’ on a permanent vacation.

Jesus: What do you mean? We got one more war.

God: No, no. Not “we”. You.

Jesus: Why are you doin’ this? – I said, why you doin’ this? –

God: Because you can’t win Son! This girl will kill you to death inside of three days.

Jesus: You’re crazy. –

God: What else is new?

Jesus: She’s just another anti-christ.

God: No, She ain’t. This girl is a wreckin’ machine. And She’s hungry. You ain’t been hungry since The Last Supper.

Jesus: What? I ruled for 20 centuries. –

God: That was easy!

Jesus: What do you mean, easy? –

God: Your enemies were hand-picked!

Jesus: Set-ups? –

God: No, they weren’t set-ups! They were strong enemies of the Church & Me. But they wasn’t killers, like this Girl. She’ll knock ya into tomorrow, Son.

Jesus: Jeez, Dad..Why’d you do it?

God: Because the beating that you got from the Romans shoulda killed you, kid. It didn’t. It was my job to keep you on top, and to keep you healthy.

All Roads Lead to Sigmund Freud


R.E. Prindle


Bernays, Edward,: The Edward Bernays Reader, From Propaganda To The Engineering Of Consent, Ig Publishing, 2021

Freud, Sigmund:  Group Psychology And The Analysis Of The Ego, Standard Ediition, 1922

Le Bon, Gustave:  The Crowd: A Study Of The Popular Mind, 1895

Samuel, Maurice:  You Gentiles, 1924

Read that subtitle carefully they are both titles of works by the Jewish propagandist Edward Bernays.  Now turning the book over let us read the sales pitch:


Edward Bernays (1891-1995) was a pioneer in the art of propaganda and public persuasion.  Combining theories on crowd psychology with the psychoanalytic ideas of his uncle, Sigmund Freud, Bernays elucidated how public opinion could be shaped.  His seminal 1928 book, Propaganda, laid out how propaganda could be used to regiment the collective mind, while his 1923 classic, Crystallizing Public Opinion set down the principles that business and government have used to influence public attitudes over the past century.


Let examine this innocuous sounding text.  In Bernays work:  Propaganda he attempt to make positive a term that has always had negative connotations.  In general it meant probably using untruths to get people to do what you want and they don’t. In other words he says that now propaganda can be good thing ignoring the element of lying in the term. And then in 1923 he published Crystallizing  Public Opiniion which I understand to mean converting you propaganda into incontrovertible stone.  The public then accepts the propaganda which may or may not be beneficial for them into ‘truth.’  So, Bernays is corrupting the integrity of the word.  He then goes on to explain the method, ‘engineering’ public opinion, or, how to achieve your goal essentially by hypnotizing your public.

Note this was written and published openly.  Nothing clandestine here.  Now note how these ideas  were put into use during the Roosevelt administration from 1932 to 1945.  Then extend the method to the open corruption of the current Biden administration.

Now Freud read Le Bons The Crowd sometime after 1895 as he was forming his ideas on psychology based on the ideas of the French psychologists Jean-Martin Charcot and Pierre  Janet.

Freud’s ideas jelled after the disaster of World War I.  One can’t be sure but perhaps Freud saw the astounding success of George Creels effort of propagandizing and crystallizing public opinion in the United States with his and President Wilson’s Committee on Public Information.  There was the matrix for Freud’s Group Psychology.  Creel requires a separate study as do the years 1920 to 1925. 

The crux of the matter was the failure of its advocates to persuade Americans to accept the League of Nations.  Out of that failure came the Counsel of Forgeing Affairs who collaborated or adopted Freud and Bernays’ formulation   Propaganda and the Engineering of Consent which today is pursued so relentlessly on the internet.

Due to the interface on the internet when opinions counter to official doctrine can be denied with no discussion.

I will develop this further.

Investigating A Border Incident


R.E. Prindle 

The Israeli-Moslem war erupted again with the regularity of Mount Etna.  There is nothing rare or unexpected in these conflicts.  For seventy years they have been counted on for activity.  Unfortunately there is nothing more tragic in this eruption than the many horrors of the seventy year history between these two peoples or nations preceding this one.

Perhaps not too strangely  the Jewish Nation is equally or predominantly  guilty in this border incident as well as the war going on further North on the plains of the Ukraine and Russia.  It is to be noted that the Jewish nature bears hatred deep within its heart toward both the Ukraine and Russia.  In other words  they would like to see both nations dead and their names wiped from the maps.  What better way to do it than to set them at each other’s throats, mutual annihilation, while the war is waged at the expense of Europe and the United States.

Is it strange that no one, neither the US nor the EU, both controlled by the Jewish Nation, don’t want a calmer Europe?  Why has there been no attempt for a cease fire and negotiation for peace?  The acting President of the United States, Joe Biden, is extending himself to unconstitutionally throw fuel on the fire.  Why does he want to see Ukrainians and Russians die?  He sends billions of dollars worth of high tech weapons to the Ukraine without which they would long ago been conquered and the war ended.  He finances the Ukraine with tens or hundreds of billions of dollars to keep them in the fight.  Why?  Where is that money disappearing to?

And now a mere flareup on the Israeli=Gaza border while the Ukraine=Russia war is no longer in the news.  This is beginning to sound like the Wag the Dog movie.

Netanyahu is calling for a genocide to remove Gazans from the map.  According to reports a genocide is happening in the Ukraine where its manhood is lowly being wiped out on the battle front.  Its original army is said to have been entirely annihilated.  The dirty work done by the US and Eu while the Jewish Nation stands by with folded hands.

Many millions have already fled the Ukraine for greener pastures in the EU and the US.  What will happen should the Ukraine be depopulated?  Israel is seriously over populated.  It is nearing the point  where it is unlivable.  Where might to surplus population find ‘lebensraum?’ 

North to the depopulated Ukraine.  Perhaps the Ukraine will change identity and fly the Israeli flag.  Is that the desired end result?

Joe Biden, the EU, and NATO, you began this carnage, this attempt at double genocide. You fellows stop it.  NOW.  Yes, stop it now.  Enough of this nonsense. 

No more revolution.

End the war.

Spare the planet.

The Universe is watching.

A Review

Canonbury House by Susannah Reynolds, Wife of George W. M. Reynolds


Mary Queen Of Scots by George W.M. Reynolds

Review by R.E. Prindle

As you can tell by my attribution of Canonbury House to Susannah Reynolds, Georges wife I’m making a claim that needs explaining.  Let me establish my grounds for such a claim by reviewing circumstances of the couple at the time. 

‘Canonbury House was written from 11 July 1857-1 May 1858, first published in the Reynolds Miscellany in parts.

At the time the Reynolds were living in the resort town of Ramsgate in Georges home shire, Kent.  They had removed from London in 1854.  Susannah died in Ramsgate during 1858.

From those facts I surmise that Susannah was ill, suffering from a wasting disease.  Further, my guess is that she was suffering from breast cancer.  You may think that’s a leap.

Consider, George was  a breast fetishist, quite clearly shown in all his writing.  He was first magnitude.  He writes marvelous descriptions of the female breast, they are frequent and quite detailed.  On a few occasions he mentions breasts disfigured by cancers.  Unless he was unfaithful to Susannah, which I can’t conceive, where else would he have seen them?  Hence, I don’t think it is a great leap to think Susannah so suffered.  She died early, only forty four years old assuming she was George’s age, perhaps one or two years younger than her husband.  She may have been only sixteen when she married an eighteen year old George.  Is female characters are quite frequently sixteen.  As Georges work really required him to be in London, the move to Ramsgate probably to make Susannah’s last year more comfortable points to a wasting disease such as breast cancer.

At that time, according to Guy Dicks and his biography of his relative, Georges publisher, John Dicks, the two partners were each pulling down a hundred pounds a week from their business, so that at least at fifty two hundred pounds a year, the Reynolds were prosperous enough to live comfortably and, indeed, George bought a substantial free standing house in Ramsgate.

However George was yet to finish volume four of the  ‘Mysteries of the Court of London’ which work shows definite signs of divided attention.  Thus between making frequent trips to London and tending to his beloved Susannah his writing was definitely affected.

Now, Susannah herself was a novelist with some few titles to her credit including her novel ‘Gretna Green.’  One may assume that with greater leisure in Ramsgate she sought to create her Magnum Opus.  I have a slight acquaintance with Gretna Green in an unreadable OCR copy so I can form no adequate opinion on her earlier work although I do have a readable first edition of her Canonbury House.  That novel is acceptable work although inferior to Georges if only compared to his last work Mary, Queen of Scots published a year after ‘Canonbury House.’  Therefor, comparing hi work before and after ‘Canonbury House’ it isn’t likely that he wrote it.  As a key ingredient of his work hers contains no description of women’s breasts, not even those of Queen Mary.

As stated earlier the book took nearly a year to write, thirty installments in the Miscellany.   My copy of the published book by John Dicks has notes on he fly leaf from a former owner as well as those that appear to be from a book seller.

There is a penciled and erased signature from Arthur Reynolds, perhaps one of Georges sons. There is a full page faint erased text that might be made readable by electronic means.  A strong hand with a good pencil has written ‘First thus 1870- complete in 30 penny parts.’  As the installments were published in the Miscellany there shouldn’t be 30 penny parts unless there was a second publication by Dicks. Between 1857-58 and 1870 and also issued separately in 7 parts.  So, quite a publishing history.

Perhaps a bereaved Reynolds did his best to make it a seller or perhaps Queen Elizabeth was still hot copy.

John Dicks, who controlled the publishing schedule of Reynolds massive output apparently held back the book release until 1870.  It was his habit to date publications only on the initial issue.  The novel is relatively short at 237 double columned pages.  Small print.

Now, the last novel of Georges was an incident in the live of Mary Queen of Scots making it a companion piece to Susannah’.  It follows Susannah’s plan fairly closely.  Comparatively, Georges style is more fluent and the story is better constructed so that is impossible to think both novels came from the same hand.  I think it fairly obvious that Canonbury House must have been written by a failing Susannah. Perhaps Mary, Queen of Scots was Georges love letter to his beloved and deceased wife.  He was desolated.  He never remarried.

Canonbury House is a sort of mystery of which Queen Elizabeth is the central character.  I’m all spoilers here but you will probably never see a copy of the book.  No problem.

The story hinges on the maternity of a off-central character, the beauteous Ada Arundel.  No one knew who her parents were but she had always lived in the household of the richest commoner in England, the honourable Richard Spencer currently the Mayor of the City of London.  A substantial fellow, the Mayor of the City of London.

The Mayor of the City of London isn’t the mayor of the geographical city but of the Square Mile of the financial district.  The rest of London is all suburbs.  The Mayor of the City is independent of the Crown. It is subordinate to Parliament.  Spencer is not a noble but a man of business.  Still, he is the Mayor of the City and the richest commoner of England.

Once the mysteries are cleared up after the reading of the book one can go on and reflect about some of the deeper meanings of the story.

The point is that Queen Elizabeth would never be seen dead in this commoner’s house  except for the circumstances and Spencer’s position.

The subtext here seems to be that Elizabeth was known as the virgin queen but she was not.  Susannah seems to take great pleasure in exposing Elizabeth, except its just her private joke at this point.  Elizabeth had an illegitimate daughter which means that she was a fallen woman no better than any other fallen woman.  According to Susannah the secret began when her child was given to family that had just given birth to a still born and they agreed to take Elizabeth’s child and raise it as their own.

It is now thirty years on and we are not give any information on Ada’s birth.  The queen has been longing to learn what happened to her child.  She has no hint that she is sitting across from her daughter not does Ada know she is looking at her long lost mother.

If we readers had known this the story would have taken quite a different turn.  Perhaps for a better story.  Susannah then wrote the novel without a hint of the true situation keeping it as a surprise.

Without being critical, it is Susannah’s story, I wonder whether it wouldn’t have been better to reverse the situation and make Ada’s maternity apparent from the start then basing the story on Elizabeth’s discovery. 

Now, all novels are necessarily auto-biographical.  In Georges case he suffered from logorrhea.  Out of his millions of words one can easily determine the defining events of his life as he works them through a few of his repeating themes. As Susannah is leading us into a situation  in which the result is that the queen isn’t any better than she should be, her case is no different than she should be.  Her case is no different than the tens o thousands, hundreds of thousands of ordinary women who suffered the consequences of fallen women. And that might lead to single woman who fell- that is Susannah herself.  The only possible proof is in the pudding, that is the novel, ‘Canonbury House.’

Susannah’s history prior to her marriage isn’t known, however George consistently portrayed the fallen women, always in a sympathetic manner, who were seduced to their ruin, her greatest treasure stolen.

As far as we can conjecture Susannah Pierson was still with her father when  she met George.  Her age at that time was probably sixteen, George being eighteen.  Most of George’s heroines in his novels are sixteen. The loveliness of the sixteen year old stands out in all his novels.

In his novel ‘The Youthful Impostor’, written in 1932, rewritten and published in 1935, looking back a few years to an early friendship, his protagonist, Crawford, meets a shady character named Pearson, a man of the world in France, possibly Calais, not clear, given the similarity of names that Pearson represented the father of Susannah Pierson.  The names are too similar to be coincidental.

Pearson appears to be some high class grifter who was very wise, as in wiseguy and familiar with all the petty cheats and scams that only a fellow grifter would know.  He and Crawford are in a French gambling hell and the two watch a grifter clean out a mark.   Task done he gets up to leave.  As he does Pearson tells Crawford ‘Watch this.’ 

He then approaches the grifter whispering a few words in his ear,  the grifter, the grifter then follows him to his table and lays down half of his take and casually strolls away.  Crawford is dumbfounded.  Pearson explains:  If a grifter sees another working a mark, to keep his silence the other grifter must pay out half, which is what happened.  Crawford’s, that is Reynolds eyes are opened.  That’s what it means to be a man of the world.

As Crawford was on the way to Paris in company with Pickwick and his friends as well as the grifter Augustus Crashem and a man who was a gendarme closely resembling Pearson in appearance and manner, the Gendarme who will turn out to be the friendly Dumont watches with a know eye but does nothing as Crashem works his scam.  Perhaps he tapped Crashem for half..

Pearson and his daughter associating as they must with a shady crowd if is possible if not probable that a cute fourteen or fifteen year old girl might have been seduced and ruined which seared her soul causing total anguish that expiated itself in slandering a dead Queen Elizabethl by revealing something she knew or thought she knew thereby purifying her soul as she lay dying.  The poor girl and the privileged girl were the same.

‘Canonbury House’ wasn’t Susannah’s only novel; she wrote four or five others.  A batch of kids, running the household, helping George with his novels, writing her own as well as a cookbook,  what a woman.  No wonder George treasured her.  I have a wretched OCR copy of her novel ‘Gretna Green’ that might be a little revealing.  From the title I thought it might have been a biographical novel about a woman named Gretna Green, but study led me to a different conclusion. 

As it was, in the eighteenth century young lords were marrying common girls that infuriated their parents so in 1745 a law was passed making any such marriages invalid.  That was only an impediment not a blockade.  Enterprising souls in Scotland living in a small town called Gretna Green analyzed the situation then some fellow, blacksmiths and such got themselves ordained as ministers and began marrying the young swains and their commoner girlfriends, the marriages were legal in England. 

Thus the roads leading to Gretna Green were well traveled.  As the parents were on the alert ready to prevent such alliances, there was often a mad dash for the Scottish border by the young lovers closely followed by the parents or their agents to prevent such a folly.  Whoever got there first won the race.

If the young lovers won the race they got married; if the parents the ecclesiastic blacksmiths went empty handed.  Such is life.

Now, if opportunity was created for a blacksmith who had a limited number of horses to shoe, that law and its resultant Gretna Green created opportunities  or aspiring novelists as well. Susannah put that shoe on and wrote Gretna Green.

What is the relationship of Gretna Green to Canonsbury House?  You can be that those young lovers didn’t wait for the knot to be tied before they consummated the marriage; hence the young ladies who had given away their greatest treasure were technically ruined women before that marriage.  If the parents won the race the technicality was removed.  The girls were ruined.

Thus Susannah could portray several ruined young ladies by which she could possibly relive her own tragedy.   Gretna Green was apparently pretty racy for the time because it aroused a fair reaction.  It was even suggested that perhaps she knew of that which she spoke.

George complained about this abuse of his wife but it is not known whether he received satisfaction.  I rather suspect that Susannah got a fair amount of satisfaction by exposing the Virgin Queen.  The resolution then of Susannah’s Canonbury House.

How did Ada Arundel react to learning who her mother was and that mother being the Queen of England who embraced her as her long lost daughter?

Rather a tragic ending.  Ada was so overjoyed that she burst a blood vessel in her brain and died from the joy that was so overwhelming.  Let us hope that Susannah felt redeemed if my speculation is correct.

Having finished reading the novel and looking back at the beginning one appreciates the irony that in Canonbury House mother and daughter are looking at each other not realizing that they are seeing their heart’s desire.  One might think that there should have been enough familial resemblance between the Queen and Ada  to create suspicion.

But, in a spiteful admission Susannah mentions that Elizabeth had never been a handsome woman and that Ada was stunningly beautiful so no surprise there. 

I don’t know how contemporaries  would have read the novel or what their reaction might have been.  I don’t know whether Susannah maliciously invented the story or had heard some rumor, in any event Ada died so that the evidence disappeared.

I don’t feel it necessary to detail the development of the novel as it was fairly pedestrian while Susannah was not at her peak for health reasons.

A Review

Canonbury House by Susannah Reynolds


Mary Queen Of Scots by George W.M. Reynolds

Review by R.E. Prindle


As you can tell by my attribution of Canonbury House to Susannah Reynolds, Georges wife I’m making a claim that needs explaining.  Let me establish my grounds for such a claim by reviewing circumstances of the couple at the time. 

‘Canonbury House was written from 11 July 1857-1 May 1858, first published in the Reynolds Miscellany in parts.

At the time the Reynolds were living in the resort town of Ramsgate in Georges home shire, Kent.  They had removed from London in 1854.  Susannah died in Ramsgate during 1858.

From those facts I surmise that Susannah was ill, suffering from a wasting disease.  Further, my guess is that she was suffering from breast cancer.  You may think that’s a leap.

Consider, George was  a breast fetishist, quite clearly shown in all his writing.  He was first magnitude.  He writes marvelous descriptions of the female breast, they are frequent and quite detailed.  On a few occasions he mentions breasts disfigured by cancers.  Unless he was unfaithful to Susannah, which I can’t conceive, where else would he have seen them?  Hence, I don’t think it is a great leap to think Susannah so suffered.  She died early, only forty four years old assuming she was George’s age, perhaps one or two years younger than her husband.  She may have been only sixteen when she married an eighteen year old George.  Is female characters are quite frequently sixteen.  As Georges work really required him to be in London, the move to Ramsgate probably to make Susannah’s last year more comfortable points to a wasting disease such as breast cancer.

At that time, according to Guy Dicks and his biography of his relative, Georges publisher, John Dicks, the two partners were each pulling down a hundred pounds a week from their business, so that at least at fifty two hundred pounds a year, the Reynolds were prosperous enough to live comfortably and, indeed, George bought a substantial free standing house in Ramsgate.

However George was yet to finish volume four of the  ‘Mysteries of the Court of London’ which work shows definite signs of divided attention.  Thus between making frequent trips to London and tending to his beloved Susannah his writing was definitely affected.

Now, Susannah herself was a novelist with some few titles to her credit including her novel ‘Gretna Green.’  One may assume that with greater leisure in Ramsgate she sought to create her Magnum Opus.  I have a slight acquaintance with Gretna Green in an unreadable OCR copy so I can form no adequate opinion on her earlier work although I do have a readable first edition of her Canonbury House.  That novel is acceptable work although inferior to Georges if only compared to his last work Mary, Queen of Scots published a year after ‘Canonbury House.’  Therefor, comparing hi work before and after ‘Canonbury House’ it isn’t likely that he wrote it.  As a key ingredient of his work hers contains no description of women’s breasts, not even those of Queen Mary.

As stated earlier the book took nearly a year to write, thirty installments in the Miscellany.   My copy of the published book by John Dicks has notes on he fly leaf from a former owner as well as those that appear to be from a book seller.

There is a penciled and erased signature from Arthur Reynolds, perhaps one of Georges sons. There is a full page faint erased text that might be made readable by electronic means.  A strong hand with a good pencil has written ‘First thus 1870- complete in 30 penny parts.’  As the installments were published in the Miscellany there shouldn’t be 30 penny parts unless there was a second publication by Dicks. Between 1857-58 and 1870 and also issued separately in 7 parts.  So, quite a publishing history.

Perhaps a bereaved Reynolds did his best to make it a seller or perhaps Queen Elizabeth was still hot copy.

John Dicks, who controlled the publishing schedule of Reynolds massive output apparently held back the book release until 1870.  It was his habit to date publications only on the initial issue.  The novel is relatively short at 237 double columned pages.  Small print.

Now, the last novel of Georges was an incident in the live of Mary Queen of Scots making it a companion piece to Susannah’.  It follows Susannah’s plan fairly closely.  Comparatively, Georges style is more fluent and the story is better constructed so that is impossible to think both novels came from the same hand.  I think it fairly obvious that Canonbury House must have been written by a failing Susannah. Perhaps Mary, Queen of Scots was Georges love letter to his beloved and deceased wife.  He was desolated.  He never remarried.

Canonbury House is a sort of mystery of which Queen Elizabeth is the central character.  I’m all spoilers here but you will probably never see a copy of the book.  No problem.

The story hinges on the maternity of a off-central character, the beauteous Ada Arundel.  No one knew who her parents were but she had always lived in the household of the richest commoner in England, the honourable Richard Spencer currently the Mayor of the City of London.  A substantial fellow, the Mayor of the City of London.

The Mayor of the City of London isn’t the mayor of the geographical city but of the Square Mile of the financial district.  The rest of London is all suburbs.  The Mayor of the City is independent of the Crown. It is subordinate to Parliament.  Spencer is not a noble but a man of business.  Still, he is the Mayor of the City and the richest commoner of England.

Once the mysteries are cleared up after the reading of the book one can go on and reflect about some of the deeper meanings of the story.

The point is that Queen Elizabeth would never be seen dead in this commoner’s house  except for the circumstances and Spencer’s position.

The subtext here seems to be that Elizabeth was known as the virgin queen but she was not.  Susannah seems to take great pleasure in exposing Elizabeth, except its just her private joke at this point.  Elizabeth had an illegitimate daughter which means that she was a fallen woman no better than any other fallen woman.  According to Susannah the secret began when her child was given to family that had just given birth to a still born and they agreed to take Elizabeth’s child and raise it as their own.

It is now thirty years on and we are not give any information on Ada’s birth.  The queen has been longing to learn what happened to her child.  She has no hint that she is sitting across from her daughter not does Ada know she is looking at her long lost mother.

If we readers had known this the story would have taken quite a different turn.  Perhaps for a better story.  Susannah then wrote the novel without a hint of the true situation keeping it as a surprise.

Without being critical, it is Susannah’s story, I wonder whether it wouldn’t have been better to reverse the situation and make Ada’s maternity apparent from the start then basing the story on Elizabeth’s discovery. 

Now, all novels are necessarily auto-biographical.  In Georges case he suffered from logorrhea.  Out of his millions of words one can easily determine the defining events of his life as he works them through a few of his repeating themes. As Susannah is leading us into a situation  in which the result is that the queen isn’t any better than she should be, her case is no different than she should be.  Her case is no different than the tens o thousands, hundreds of thousands of ordinary women who suffered the consequences of fallen women. And that might lead to single woman who fell- that is Susannah herself.  The only possible proof is in the pudding, that is the novel, ‘Canonbury House.’

Susannah’s history prior to her marriage isn’t known, however George consistently portrayed the fallen women, always in a sympathetic manner, who were seduced to their ruin, her greatest treasure stolen.

As far as we can conjecture Susannah Pierson was still with her father when  she met George.  Her age at that time was probably sixteen, George being eighteen.  Most of George’s heroines in his novels are sixteen. The loveliness of the sixteen year old stands out in all his novels.

In his novel ‘The Youthful Impostor’, written in 1932, rewritten and published in 1935, looking back a few years to an early friendship, his protagonist, Crawford, meets a shady character named Pearson, a man of the world in France, possibly Calais, not clear, given the similarity of names that Pearson represented the father of Susannah Pierson.  The names are too similar to be coincidental.

Pearson appears to be some high class grifter who was very wise, as in wiseguy and familiar with all the petty cheats and scams that only a fellow grifter would know.  He and Crawford are in a French gambling hell and the two watch a grifter clean out a mark.   Task done he gets up to leave.  As he does Pearson tells Crawford ‘Watch this.’ 

He then approaches the grifter whispering a few words in his ear,  the grifter, the grifter then follows him to his table and lays down half of his take and casually strolls away.  Crawford is dumbfounded.  Pearson explains:  If a grifter sees another working a mark, to keep his silence the other grifter must pay out half, which is what happened.  Crawford’s, that is Reynolds eyes are opened.  That’s what it means to be a man of the world.

As Crawford was on the way to Paris in company with Pickwick and his friends as well as the grifter Augustus Crashem and a man who was a gendarme closely resembling Pearson in appearance and manner, the Gendarme who will turn out to be the friendly Dumont watches with a know eye but does nothing as Crashem works his scam.  Perhaps he tapped Crashem for half..

Pearson and his daughter associating as they must with a shady crowd if is possible if not probable that a cute fourteen or fifteen year old girl might have been seduced and ruined which seared her soul causing total anguish that expiated itself in slandering a dead Queen Elizabethl by revealing something she knew or thought she knew thereby purifying her soul as she lay dying.  The poor girl and the privileged girl were the same.

‘Canonbury House’ wasn’t Susannah’s only novel; she wrote four or five others.  A batch of kids, running the household, helping George with his novels, writing her own as well as a cookbook,  what a woman.  No wonder George treasured her.  I have a wretched OCR copy of her novel ‘Gretna Green’ that might be a little revealing.  From the title I thought it might have been a biographical novel about a woman named Gretna Green, but study led me to a different conclusion. 

As it was, in the eighteenth century young lords were marrying common girls that infuriated their parents so in 1745 a law was passed making any such marriages invalid.  That was only an impediment not a blockade.  Enterprising souls in Scotland living in a small town called Gretna Green analyzed the situation then some fellow, blacksmiths and such got themselves ordained as ministers and began marrying the young swains and their commoner girlfriends, the marriages were legal in England. 

Thus the roads leading to Gretna Green were well traveled.  As the parents were on the alert ready to prevent such alliances, there was often a mad dash for the Scottish border by the young lovers closely followed by the parents or their agents to prevent such a folly.  Whoever got there first won the race.

If the young lovers won the race they got married; if the parents the ecclesiastic blacksmiths went empty handed.  Such is life.

Now, if opportunity was created for a blacksmith who had a limited number of horses to shoe, that law and its resultant Gretna Green created opportunities  or aspiring novelists as well. Susannah put that shoe on and wrote Gretna Green.

What is the relationship of Gretna Green to Canonsbury House?  You can be that those young lovers didn’t wait for the knot to be tied before they consummated the marriage; hence the young ladies who had given away their greatest treasure were technically ruined women before that marriage.  If the parents won the race the technicality was removed.  The girls were ruined.

Thus Susannah could portray several ruined young ladies by which she could possibly relive her own tragedy.   Gretna Green was apparently pretty racy for the time because it aroused a fair reaction.  It was even suggested that perhaps she knew of that which she spoke.

George complained about this abuse of his wife but it is not known whether he received satisfaction.  I rather suspect that Susannah got a fair amount of satisfaction by exposing the Virgin Queen.  The resolution then of Susannah’s Canonbury House.

How did Ada Arundel react to learning who her mother was and that mother being the Queen of England who embraced her as her long lost daughter?

Rather a tragic ending.  Ada was so overjoyed that she burst a blood vessel in her brain and died from the joy that was so overwhelming.  Let us hope that Susannah felt redeemed if my speculation is correct.

Having finished reading the novel and looking back at the beginning one appreciates the irony that in Canonbury House mother and daughter are looking at each other not realizing that they are seeing their heart’s desire.  One might think that there should have been enough familial resemblance between the Queen and Ada  to create suspicion.

But, in a spiteful admission Susannah mentions that Elizabeth had never been a handsome woman and that Ada was stunningly beautiful so no surprise there. 

I don’t know how contemporaries  would have read the novel or what their reaction might have been.  I don’t know whether Susannah maliciously invented the story or had heard some rumor, in any event Ada died so that the evidence disappeared.

I don’t feel it necessary to detail the development of the novel as it was fairly pedestrian while Susannah was not at her peak for health reasons.

A Review

Canonbury House by Susannah Reynolds


Mary Queen Of Scots by George W.M. Reynolds

Review by R.E. Prindle

As you can tell by my attribution of Canonbury House to Susannah Reynolds, Georges wife I’m making a claim that needs explaining.  Let me establish my grounds for such a claim by reviewing circumstances of the couple at the time. 

‘Canonbury House was written from 11 July 1857-1 May 1858, first published in the Reynolds Miscellany in parts.

At the time the Reynolds were living in the resort town of Ramsgate in Georges home shire, Kent.  They had removed from London in 1854.  Susannah died in Ramsgate during 1858.

From those facts I surmise that Susannah was ill, suffering from a wasting disease.  Further, my guess is that she was suffering from breast cancer.  You may think that’s a leap.

Consider, George was  a breast fetishist, quite clearly shown in all his writing.  He was first magnitude.  He writes marvelous descriptions of the female breast, they are frequent and quite detailed.  On a few occasions he mentions breasts disfigured by cancers.  Unless he was unfaithful to Susannah, which I can’t conceive, where else would he have seen them?  Hence, I don’t think it is a great leap to think Susannah so suffered.  She died early, only forty four years old assuming she was George’s age, perhaps one or two years younger than her husband.  She may have been only sixteen when she married an eighteen year old George.  Is female characters are quite frequently sixteen.  As Georges work really required him to be in London, the move to Ramsgate probably to make Susannah’s last year more comfortable points to a wasting disease such as breast cancer.

At that time, according to Guy Dicks and his biography of his relative, Georges publisher, John Dicks, the two partners were each pulling down a hundred pounds a week from their business, so that at least at fifty two hundred pounds a year, the Reynolds were prosperous enough to live comfortably and, indeed, George bought a substantial free standing house in Ramsgate.

However George was yet to finish volume four of the  ‘Mysteries of the Court of London’ which work shows definite signs of divided attention.  Thus between making frequent trips to London and tending to his beloved Susannah his writing was definitely affected.

Now, Susannah herself was a novelist with some few titles to her credit including her novel ‘Gretna Green.’  One may assume that with greater leisure in Ramsgate she sought to create her Magnum Opus.  I have a slight acquaintance with Gretna Green in an unreadable OCR copy so I can form no adequate opinion on her earlier work although I do have a readable first edition of her Canonbury House.  That novel is acceptable work although inferior to Georges if only compared to his last work Mary, Queen of Scots published a year after ‘Canonbury House.’  Therefor, comparing hi work before and after ‘Canonbury House’ it isn’t likely that he wrote it.  As a key ingredient of his work hers contains no description of women’s breasts, not even those of Queen Mary.

As stated earlier the book took nearly a year to write, thirty installments in the Miscellany.   My copy of the published book by John Dicks has notes on he fly leaf from a former owner as well as those that appear to be from a book seller.

There is a penciled and erased signature from Arthur Reynolds, perhaps one of Georges sons. There is a full page faint erased text that might be made readable by electronic means.  A strong hand with a good pencil has written ‘First thus 1870- complete in 30 penny parts.’  As the installments were published in the Miscellany there shouldn’t be 30 penny parts unless there was a second publication by Dicks. Between 1857-58 and 1870 and also issued separately in 7 parts.  So, quite a publishing history.

Perhaps a bereaved Reynolds did his best to make it a seller or perhaps Queen Elizabeth was still hot copy.

John Dicks, who controlled the publishing schedule of Reynolds massive output apparently held back the book release until 1870.  It was his habit to date publications only on the initial issue.  The novel is relatively short at 237 double columned pages.  Small print.

Now, the last novel of Georges was an incident in the live of Mary Queen of Scots making it a companion piece to Susannah’.  It follows Susannah’s plan fairly closely.  Comparatively, Georges style is more fluent and the story is better constructed so that is impossible to think both novels came from the same hand.  I think it fairly obvious that Canonbury House must have been written by a failing Susannah. Perhaps Mary, Queen of Scots was Georges love letter to his beloved and deceased wife.  He was desolated.  He never remarried.

Canonbury House is a sort of mystery of which Queen Elizabeth is the central character.  I’m all spoilers here but you will probably never see a copy of the book.  No problem.

The story hinges on the maternity of a off-central character, the beauteous Ada Arundel.  No one knew who her parents were but she had always lived in the household of the richest commoner in England, the honourable Richard Spencer currently the Mayor of the City of London.  A substantial fellow, the Mayor of the City of London.

The Mayor of the City of London isn’t the mayor of the geographical city but of the Square Mile of the financial district.  The rest of London is all suburbs.  The Mayor of the City is independent of the Crown. It is subordinate to Parliament.  Spencer is not a noble but a man of business.  Still, he is the Mayor of the City and the richest commoner of England.

Once the mysteries are cleared up after the reading of the book one can go on and reflect about some of the deeper meanings of the story.

The point is that Queen Elizabeth would never be seen dead in this commoner’s house  except for the circumstances and Spencer’s position.

The subtext here seems to be that Elizabeth was known as the virgin queen but she was not.  Susannah seems to take great pleasure in exposing Elizabeth, except its just her private joke at this point.  Elizabeth had an illegitimate daughter which means that she was a fallen woman no better than any other fallen woman.  According to Susannah the secret began when her child was given to family that had just given birth to a still born and they agreed to take Elizabeth’s child and raise it as their own.

It is now thirty years on and we are not give any information on Ada’s birth.  The queen has been longing to learn what happened to her child.  She has no hint that she is sitting across from her daughter not does Ada know she is looking at her long lost mother.

If we readers had known this the story would have taken quite a different turn.  Perhaps for a better story.  Susannah then wrote the novel without a hint of the true situation keeping it as a surprise.

Without being critical, it is Susannah’s story, I wonder whether it wouldn’t have been better to reverse the situation and make Ada’s maternity apparent from the start then basing the story on Elizabeth’s discovery. 

Now, all novels are necessarily auto-biographical.  In Georges case he suffered from logorrhea.  Out of his millions of words one can easily determine the defining events of his life as he works them through a few of his repeating themes. As Susannah is leading us into a situation  in which the result is that the queen isn’t any better than she should be, her case is no different than she should be.  Her case is no different than the tens o thousands, hundreds of thousands of ordinary women who suffered the consequences of fallen women. And that might lead to single woman who fell- that is Susannah herself.  The only possible proof is in the pudding, that is the novel, ‘Canonbury House.’

Susannah’s history prior to her marriage isn’t known, however George consistently portrayed the fallen women, always in a sympathetic manner, who were seduced to their ruin, her greatest treasure stolen.

As far as we can conjecture Susannah Pierson was still with her father when  she met George.  Her age at that time was probably sixteen, George being eighteen.  Most of George’s heroines in his novels are sixteen. The loveliness of the sixteen year old stands out in all his novels.

In his novel ‘The Youthful Impostor’, written in 1932, rewritten and published in 1935, looking back a few years to an early friendship, his protagonist, Crawford, meets a shady character named Pearson, a man of the world in France, possibly Calais, not clear, given the similarity of names that Pearson represented the father of Susannah Pierson.  The names are too similar to be coincidental.

Pearson appears to be some high class grifter who was very wise, as in wiseguy and familiar with all the petty cheats and scams that only a fellow grifter would know.  He and Crawford are in a French gambling hell and the two watch a grifter clean out a mark.   Task done he gets up to leave.  As he does Pearson tells Crawford ‘Watch this.’ 

He then approaches the grifter whispering a few words in his ear,  the grifter, the grifter then follows him to his table and lays down half of his take and casually strolls away.  Crawford is dumbfounded.  Pearson explains:  If a grifter sees another working a mark, to keep his silence the other grifter must pay out half, which is what happened.  Crawford’s, that is Reynolds eyes are opened.  That’s what it means to be a man of the world.

As Crawford was on the way to Paris in company with Pickwick and his friends as well as the grifter Augustus Crashem and a man who was a gendarme closely resembling Pearson in appearance and manner, the Gendarme who will turn out to be the friendly Dumont watches with a know eye but does nothing as Crashem works his scam.  Perhaps he tapped Crashem for half..

Pearson and his daughter associating as they must with a shady crowd if is possible if not probable that a cute fourteen or fifteen year old girl might have been seduced and ruined which seared her soul causing total anguish that expiated itself in slandering a dead Queen Elizabethl by revealing something she knew or thought she knew thereby purifying her soul as she lay dying.  The poor girl and the privileged girl were the same.

‘Canonbury House’ wasn’t Susannah’s only novel; she wrote four or five others.  A batch of kids, running the household, helping George with his novels, writing her own as well as a cookbook,  what a woman.  No wonder George treasured her.  I have a wretched OCR copy of her novel ‘Gretna Green’ that might be a little revealing.  From the title I thought it might have been a biographical novel about a woman named Gretna Green, but study led me to a different conclusion. 

As it was, in the eighteenth century young lords were marrying common girls that infuriated their parents so in 1745 a law was passed making any such marriages invalid.  That was only an impediment not a blockade.  Enterprising souls in Scotland living in a small town called Gretna Green analyzed the situation then some fellow, blacksmiths and such got themselves ordained as ministers and began marrying the young swains and their commoner girlfriends, the marriages were legal in England. 

Thus the roads leading to Gretna Green were well traveled.  As the parents were on the alert ready to prevent such alliances, there was often a mad dash for the Scottish border by the young lovers closely followed by the parents or their agents to prevent such a folly.  Whoever got there first won the race.

If the young lovers won the race they got married; if the parents the ecclesiastic blacksmiths went empty handed.  Such is life.

Now, if opportunity was created for a blacksmith who had a limited number of horses to shoe, that law and its resultant Gretna Green created opportunities  or aspiring novelists as well. Susannah put that shoe on and wrote Gretna Green.

What is the relationship of Gretna Green to Canonsbury House?  You can be that those young lovers didn’t wait for the knot to be tied before they consummated the marriage; hence the young ladies who had given away their greatest treasure were technically ruined women before that marriage.  If the parents won the race the technicality was removed.  The girls were ruined.

Thus Susannah could portray several ruined young ladies by which she could possibly relive her own tragedy.   Gretna Green was apparently pretty racy for the time because it aroused a fair reaction.  It was even suggested that perhaps she knew of that which she spoke.

George complained about this abuse of his wife but it is not known whether he received satisfaction.  I rather suspect that Susannah got a fair amount of satisfaction by exposing the Virgin Queen.  The resolution then of Susannah’s Canonbury House.

How did Ada Arundel react to learning who her mother was and that mother being the Queen of England who embraced her as her long lost daughter?

Rather a tragic ending.  Ada was so overjoyed that she burst a blood vessel in her brain and died from the joy that was so overwhelming.  Let us hope that Susannah felt redeemed if my speculation is correct.

Having finished reading the novel and looking back at the beginning one appreciates the irony that in Canonbury House mother and daughter are looking at each other not realizing that they are seeing their heart’s desire.  One might think that there should have been enough familial resemblance between the Queen and Ada  to create suspicion.

But, in a spiteful admission Susannah mentions that Elizabeth had never been a handsome woman and that Ada was stunningly beautiful so no surprise there. 

I don’t know how contemporaries  would have read the novel or what their reaction might have been.  I don’t know whether Susannah maliciously invented the story or had heard some rumor, in any event Ada died so that the evidence disappeared.

I don’t feel it necessary to detail the development of the novel as it was fairly pedestrian while Susannah was not at her peak for health reasons.

A Review

Canonbury House by Susannah Reynolds


Mary Queen Of Scots by George W.M. Reynolds

Review by R.E. Prindle


As you can tell by my attribution of Canonbury House to Susannah Reynolds, Georges wife I’m making a claim that needs explaining.  Let me establish my grounds for such a claim by reviewing circumstances of the couple at the time. 

‘Canonbury House was written from 11 July 1857-1 May 1858, first published in the Reynolds Miscellany in parts.

At the time the Reynolds were living in the resort town of Ramsgate in Georges home shire, Kent.  They had removed from London in 1854.  Susannah died in Ramsgate during 1858.

From those facts I surmise that Susannah was ill, suffering from a wasting disease.  Further, my guess is that she was suffering from breast cancer.  You may think that’s a leap.

Consider, George was  a breast fetishist, quite clearly shown in all his writing.  He was first magnitude.  He writes marvelous descriptions of the female breast, they are frequent and quite detailed.  On a few occasions he mentions breasts disfigured by cancers.  Unless he was unfaithful to Susannah, which I can’t conceive, where else would he have seen them?  Hence, I don’t think it is a great leap to think Susannah so suffered.  She died early, only forty four years old assuming she was George’s age, perhaps one or two years younger than her husband.  She may have been only sixteen when she married an eighteen year old George.  Is female characters are quite frequently sixteen.  As Georges work really required him to be in London, the move to Ramsgate probably to make Susannah’s last year more comfortable points to a wasting disease such as breast cancer.

At that time, according to Guy Dicks and his biography of his relative, Georges publisher, John Dicks, the two partners were each pulling down a hundred pounds a week from their business, so that at least at fifty two hundred pounds a year, the Reynolds were prosperous enough to live comfortably and, indeed, George bought a substantial free standing house in Ramsgate.

However George was yet to finish volume four of the  ‘Mysteries of the Court of London’ which work shows definite signs of divided attention.  Thus between making frequent trips to London and tending to his beloved Susannah his writing was definitely affected.

Now, Susannah herself was a novelist with some few titles to her credit including her novel ‘Gretna Green.’  One may assume that with greater leisure in Ramsgate she sought to create her Magnum Opus.  I have a slight acquaintance with Gretna Green in an unreadable OCR copy so I can form no adequate opinion on her earlier work although I do have a readable first edition of her Canonbury House.  That novel is acceptable work although inferior to Georges if only compared to his last work Mary, Queen of Scots published a year after ‘Canonbury House.’  Therefor, comparing hi work before and after ‘Canonbury House’ it isn’t likely that he wrote it.  As a key ingredient of his work hers contains no description of women’s breasts, not even those of Queen Mary.

As stated earlier the book took nearly a year to write, thirty installments in the Miscellany.   My copy of the published book by John Dicks has notes on he fly leaf from a former owner as well as those that appear to be from a book seller.

There is a penciled and erased signature from Arthur Reynolds, perhaps one of Georges sons. There is a full page faint erased text that might be made readable by electronic means.  A strong hand with a good pencil has written ‘First thus 1870- complete in 30 penny parts.’  As the installments were published in the Miscellany there shouldn’t be 30 penny parts unless there was a second publication by Dicks. Between 1857-58 and 1870 and also issued separately in 7 parts.  So, quite a publishing history.

Perhaps a bereaved Reynolds did his best to make it a seller or perhaps Queen Elizabeth was still hot copy.

John Dicks, who controlled the publishing schedule of Reynolds massive output apparently held back the book release until 1870.  It was his habit to date publications only on the initial issue.  The novel is relatively short at 237 double columned pages.  Small print.

Now, the last novel of Georges was an incident in the live of Mary Queen of Scots making it a companion piece to Susannah’.  It follows Susannah’s plan fairly closely.  Comparatively, Georges style is more fluent and the story is better constructed so that is impossible to think both novels came from the same hand.  I think it fairly obvious that Canonbury House must have been written by a failing Susannah. Perhaps Mary, Queen of Scots was Georges love letter to his beloved and deceased wife.  He was desolated.  He never remarried.

Canonbury House is a sort of mystery of which Queen Elizabeth is the central character.  I’m all spoilers here but you will probably never see a copy of the book.  No problem.

The story hinges on the maternity of a off-central character, the beauteous Ada Arundel.  No one knew who her parents were but she had always lived in the household of the richest commoner in England, the honourable Richard Spencer currently the Mayor of the City of London.  A substantial fellow, the Mayor of the City of London.

The Mayor of the City of London isn’t the mayor of the geographical city but of the Square Mile of the financial district.  The rest of London is all suburbs.  The Mayor of the City is independent of the Crown. It is subordinate to Parliament.  Spencer is not a noble but a man of business.  Still, he is the Mayor of the City and the richest commoner of England.

Once the mysteries are cleared up after the reading of the book one can go on and reflect about some of the deeper meanings of the story.

The point is that Queen Elizabeth would never be seen dead in this commoner’s house  except for the circumstances and Spencer’s position.

The subtext here seems to be that Elizabeth was known as the virgin queen but she was not.  Susannah seems to take great pleasure in exposing Elizabeth, except its just her private joke at this point.  Elizabeth had an illegitimate daughter which means that she was a fallen woman no better than any other fallen woman.  According to Susannah the secret began when her child was given to family that had just given birth to a still born and they agreed to take Elizabeth’s child and raise it as their own.

It is now thirty years on and we are not give any information on Ada’s birth.  The queen has been longing to learn what happened to her child.  She has no hint that she is sitting across from her daughter not does Ada know she is looking at her long lost mother.

If we readers had known this the story would have taken quite a different turn.  Perhaps for a better story.  Susannah then wrote the novel without a hint of the true situation keeping it as a surprise.

Without being critical, it is Susannah’s story, I wonder whether it wouldn’t have been better to reverse the situation and make Ada’s maternity apparent from the start then basing the story on Elizabeth’s discovery. 

Now, all novels are necessarily auto-biographical.  In Georges case he suffered from logorrhea.  Out of his millions of words one can easily determine the defining events of his life as he works them through a few of his repeating themes. As Susannah is leading us into a situation  in which the result is that the queen isn’t any better than she should be, her case is no different than she should be.  Her case is no different than the tens o thousands, hundreds of thousands of ordinary women who suffered the consequences of fallen women. And that might lead to single woman who fell- that is Susannah herself.  The only possible proof is in the pudding, that is the novel, ‘Canonbury House.’

Susannah’s history prior to her marriage isn’t known, however George consistently portrayed the fallen women, always in a sympathetic manner, who were seduced to their ruin, her greatest treasure stolen.

As far as we can conjecture Susannah Pierson was still with her father when  she met George.  Her age at that time was probably sixteen, George being eighteen.  Most of George’s heroines in his novels are sixteen. The loveliness of the sixteen year old stands out in all his novels.

In his novel ‘The Youthful Impostor’, written in 1932, rewritten and published in 1935, looking back a few years to an early friendship, his protagonist, Crawford, meets a shady character named Pearson, a man of the world in France, possibly Calais, not clear, given the similarity of names that Pearson represented the father of Susannah Pierson.  The names are too similar to be coincidental.

Pearson appears to be some high class grifter who was very wise, as in wiseguy and familiar with all the petty cheats and scams that only a fellow grifter would know.  He and Crawford are in a French gambling hell and the two watch a grifter clean out a mark.   Task done he gets up to leave.  As he does Pearson tells Crawford ‘Watch this.’ 

He then approaches the grifter whispering a few words in his ear,  the grifter, the grifter then follows him to his table and lays down half of his take and casually strolls away.  Crawford is dumbfounded.  Pearson explains:  If a grifter sees another working a mark, to keep his silence the other grifter must pay out half, which is what happened.  Crawford’s, that is Reynolds eyes are opened.  That’s what it means to be a man of the world.

As Crawford was on the way to Paris in company with Pickwick and his friends as well as the grifter Augustus Crashem and a man who was a gendarme closely resembling Pearson in appearance and manner, the Gendarme who will turn out to be the friendly Dumont watches with a know eye but does nothing as Crashem works his scam.  Perhaps he tapped Crashem for half..

Pearson and his daughter associating as they must with a shady crowd if is possible if not probable that a cute fourteen or fifteen year old girl might have been seduced and ruined which seared her soul causing total anguish that expiated itself in slandering a dead Queen Elizabethl by revealing something she knew or thought she knew thereby purifying her soul as she lay dying.  The poor girl and the privileged girl were the same.

‘Canonbury House’ wasn’t Susannah’s only novel; she wrote four or five others.  A batch of kids, running the household, helping George with his novels, writing her own as well as a cookbook,  what a woman.  No wonder George treasured her.  I have a wretched OCR copy of her novel ‘Gretna Green’ that might be a little revealing.  From the title I thought it might have been a biographical novel about a woman named Gretna Green, but study led me to a different conclusion. 

As it was, in the eighteenth century young lords were marrying common girls that infuriated their parents so in 1745 a law was passed making any such marriages invalid.  That was only an impediment not a blockade.  Enterprising souls in Scotland living in a small town called Gretna Green analyzed the situation then some fellow, blacksmiths and such got themselves ordained as ministers and began marrying the young swains and their commoner girlfriends, the marriages were legal in England. 

Thus the roads leading to Gretna Green were well traveled.  As the parents were on the alert ready to prevent such alliances, there was often a mad dash for the Scottish border by the young lovers closely followed by the parents or their agents to prevent such a folly.  Whoever got there first won the race.

If the young lovers won the race they got married; if the parents the ecclesiastic blacksmiths went empty handed.  Such is life.

Now, if opportunity was created for a blacksmith who had a limited number of horses to shoe, that law and its resultant Gretna Green created opportunities  or aspiring novelists as well. Susannah put that shoe on and wrote Gretna Green.

What is the relationship of Gretna Green to Canonsbury House?  You can be that those young lovers didn’t wait for the knot to be tied before they consummated the marriage; hence the young ladies who had given away their greatest treasure were technically ruined women before that marriage.  If the parents won the race the technicality was removed.  The girls were ruined.

Thus Susannah could portray several ruined young ladies by which she could possibly relive her own tragedy.   Gretna Green was apparently pretty racy for the time because it aroused a fair reaction.  It was even suggested that perhaps she knew of that which she spoke.

George complained about this abuse of his wife but it is not known whether he received satisfaction.  I rather suspect that Susannah got a fair amount of satisfaction by exposing the Virgin Queen.  The resolution then of Susannah’s Canonbury House.

How did Ada Arundel react to learning who her mother was and that mother being the Queen of England who embraced her as her long lost daughter?

Rather a tragic ending.  Ada was so overjoyed that she burst a blood vessel in her brain and died from the joy that was so overwhelming.  Let us hope that Susannah felt redeemed if my speculation is correct.

Having finished reading the novel and looking back at the beginning one appreciates the irony that in Canonbury House mother and daughter are looking at each other not realizing that they are seeing their heart’s desire.  One might think that there should have been enough familial resemblance between the Queen and Ada  to create suspicion.

But, in a spiteful admission Susannah mentions that Elizabeth had never been a handsome woman and that Ada was stunningly beautiful so no surprise there. 

I don’t know how contemporaries  would have read the novel or what their reaction might have been.  I don’t know whether Susannah maliciously invented the story or had heard some rumor, in any event Ada died so that the evidence disappeared.

I don’t feel it necessary to detail the development of the novel as it was fairly pedestrian while Susannah was not at her peak for health reasons.

A Review

Canonbury House by Susannah Reynolds


Mary Queen Of Scots by George W.M. Reynolds

Review by R.E. Prindle

As you can tell by my attribution of Canonbury House to Susannah Reynolds, Georges wife I’m making a claim that needs explaining.  Let me establish my grounds for such a claim by reviewing circumstances of the couple at the time. 

‘Canonbury House was written from 11 July 1857-1 May 1858, first published in the Reynolds Miscellany in parts.

At the time the Reynolds were living in the resort town of Ramsgate in Georges home shire, Kent.  They had removed from London in 1854.  Susannah died in Ramsgate during 1858.

From those facts I surmise that Susannah was ill, suffering from a wasting disease.  Further, my guess is that she was suffering from breast cancer.  You may think that’s a leap.

Consider, George was  a breast fetishist, quite clearly shown in all his writing.  He was first magnitude.  He writes marvelous descriptions of the female breast, they are frequent and quite detailed.  On a few occasions he mentions breasts disfigured by cancers.  Unless he was unfaithful to Susannah, which I can’t conceive, where else would he have seen them?  Hence, I don’t think it is a great leap to think Susannah so suffered.  She died early, only forty four years old assuming she was George’s age, perhaps one or two years younger than her husband.  She may have been only sixteen when she married an eighteen year old George.  Is female characters are quite frequently sixteen.  As Georges work really required him to be in London, the move to Ramsgate probably to make Susannah’s last year more comfortable points to a wasting disease such as breast cancer.

At that time, according to Guy Dicks and his biography of his relative, Georges publisher, John Dicks, the two partners were each pulling down a hundred pounds a week from their business, so that at least at fifty two hundred pounds a year, the Reynolds were prosperous enough to live comfortably and, indeed, George bought a substantial free standing house in Ramsgate.

However George was yet to finish volume four of the  ‘Mysteries of the Court of London’ which work shows definite signs of divided attention.  Thus between making frequent trips to London and tending to his beloved Susannah his writing was definitely affected.

Now, Susannah herself was a novelist with some few titles to her credit including her novel ‘Gretna Green.’  One may assume that with greater leisure in Ramsgate she sought to create her Magnum Opus.  I have a slight acquaintance with Gretna Green in an unreadable OCR copy so I can form no adequate opinion on her earlier work although I do have a readable first edition of her Canonbury House.  That novel is acceptable work although inferior to Georges if only compared to his last work Mary, Queen of Scots published a year after ‘Canonbury House.’  Therefor, comparing hi work before and after ‘Canonbury House’ it isn’t likely that he wrote it.  As a key ingredient of his work hers contains no description of women’s breasts, not even those of Queen Mary.

As stated earlier the book took nearly a year to write, thirty installments in the Miscellany.   My copy of the published book by John Dicks has notes on he fly leaf from a former owner as well as those that appear to be from a book seller.

There is a penciled and erased signature from Arthur Reynolds, perhaps one of Georges sons. There is a full page faint erased text that might be made readable by electronic means.  A strong hand with a good pencil has written ‘First thus 1870- complete in 30 penny parts.’  As the installments were published in the Miscellany there shouldn’t be 30 penny parts unless there was a second publication by Dicks. Between 1857-58 and 1870 and also issued separately in 7 parts.  So, quite a publishing history.

Perhaps a bereaved Reynolds did his best to make it a seller or perhaps Queen Elizabeth was still hot copy.

John Dicks, who controlled the publishing schedule of Reynolds massive output apparently held back the book release until 1870.  It was his habit to date publications only on the initial issue.  The novel is relatively short at 237 double columned pages.  Small print.

Now, the last novel of Georges was an incident in the live of Mary Queen of Scots making it a companion piece to Susannah’.  It follows Susannah’s plan fairly closely.  Comparatively, Georges style is more fluent and the story is better constructed so that is impossible to think both novels came from the same hand.  I think it fairly obvious that Canonbury House must have been written by a failing Susannah. Perhaps Mary, Queen of Scots was Georges love letter to his beloved and deceased wife.  He was desolated.  He never remarried.

Canonbury House is a sort of mystery of which Queen Elizabeth is the central character.  I’m all spoilers here but you will probably never see a copy of the book.  No problem.

The story hinges on the maternity of a off-central character, the beauteous Ada Arundel.  No one knew who her parents were but she had always lived in the household of the richest commoner in England, the honourable Richard Spencer currently the Mayor of the City of London.  A substantial fellow, the Mayor of the City of London.

The Mayor of the City of London isn’t the mayor of the geographical city but of the Square Mile of the financial district.  The rest of London is all suburbs.  The Mayor of the City is independent of the Crown. It is subordinate to Parliament.  Spencer is not a noble but a man of business.  Still, he is the Mayor of the City and the richest commoner of England.

Once the mysteries are cleared up after the reading of the book one can go on and reflect about some of the deeper meanings of the story.

The point is that Queen Elizabeth would never be seen dead in this commoner’s house  except for the circumstances and Spencer’s position.

The subtext here seems to be that Elizabeth was known as the virgin queen but she was not.  Susannah seems to take great pleasure in exposing Elizabeth, except its just her private joke at this point.  Elizabeth had an illegitimate daughter which means that she was a fallen woman no better than any other fallen woman.  According to Susannah the secret began when her child was given to family that had just given birth to a still born and they agreed to take Elizabeth’s child and raise it as their own.

It is now thirty years on and we are not give any information on Ada’s birth.  The queen has been longing to learn what happened to her child.  She has no hint that she is sitting across from her daughter not does Ada know she is looking at her long lost mother.

If we readers had known this the story would have taken quite a different turn.  Perhaps for a better story.  Susannah then wrote the novel without a hint of the true situation keeping it as a surprise.

Without being critical, it is Susannah’s story, I wonder whether it wouldn’t have been better to reverse the situation and make Ada’s maternity apparent from the start then basing the story on Elizabeth’s discovery. 

Now, all novels are necessarily auto-biographical.  In Georges case he suffered from logorrhea.  Out of his millions of words one can easily determine the defining events of his life as he works them through a few of his repeating themes. As Susannah is leading us into a situation  in which the result is that the queen isn’t any better than she should be, her case is no different than she should be.  Her case is no different than the tens o thousands, hundreds of thousands of ordinary women who suffered the consequences of fallen women. And that might lead to single woman who fell- that is Susannah herself.  The only possible proof is in the pudding, that is the novel, ‘Canonbury House.’

Susannah’s history prior to her marriage isn’t known, however George consistently portrayed the fallen women, always in a sympathetic manner, who were seduced to their ruin, her greatest treasure stolen.

As far as we can conjecture Susannah Pierson was still with her father when  she met George.  Her age at that time was probably sixteen, George being eighteen.  Most of George’s heroines in his novels are sixteen. The loveliness of the sixteen year old stands out in all his novels.

In his novel ‘The Youthful Impostor’, written in 1932, rewritten and published in 1935, looking back a few years to an early friendship, his protagonist, Crawford, meets a shady character named Pearson, a man of the world in France, possibly Calais, not clear, given the similarity of names that Pearson represented the father of Susannah Pierson.  The names are too similar to be coincidental.

Pearson appears to be some high class grifter who was very wise, as in wiseguy and familiar with all the petty cheats and scams that only a fellow grifter would know.  He and Crawford are in a French gambling hell and the two watch a grifter clean out a mark.   Task done he gets up to leave.  As he does Pearson tells Crawford ‘Watch this.’ 

He then approaches the grifter whispering a few words in his ear,  the grifter, the grifter then follows him to his table and lays down half of his take and casually strolls away.  Crawford is dumbfounded.  Pearson explains:  If a grifter sees another working a mark, to keep his silence the other grifter must pay out half, which is what happened.  Crawford’s, that is Reynolds eyes are opened.  That’s what it means to be a man of the world.

As Crawford was on the way to Paris in company with Pickwick and his friends as well as the grifter Augustus Crashem and a man who was a gendarme closely resembling Pearson in appearance and manner, the Gendarme who will turn out to be the friendly Dumont watches with a know eye but does nothing as Crashem works his scam.  Perhaps he tapped Crashem for half..

Pearson and his daughter associating as they must with a shady crowd if is possible if not probable that a cute fourteen or fifteen year old girl might have been seduced and ruined which seared her soul causing total anguish that expiated itself in slandering a dead Queen Elizabethl by revealing something she knew or thought she knew thereby purifying her soul as she lay dying.  The poor girl and the privileged girl were the same.

‘Canonbury House’ wasn’t Susannah’s only novel; she wrote four or five others.  A batch of kids, running the household, helping George with his novels, writing her own as well as a cookbook,  what a woman.  No wonder George treasured her.  I have a wretched OCR copy of her novel ‘Gretna Green’ that might be a little revealing.  From the title I thought it might have been a biographical novel about a woman named Gretna Green, but study led me to a different conclusion. 

As it was, in the eighteenth century young lords were marrying common girls that infuriated their parents so in 1745 a law was passed making any such marriages invalid.  That was only an impediment not a blockade.  Enterprising souls in Scotland living in a small town called Gretna Green analyzed the situation then some fellow, blacksmiths and such got themselves ordained as ministers and began marrying the young swains and their commoner girlfriends, the marriages were legal in England. 

Thus the roads leading to Gretna Green were well traveled.  As the parents were on the alert ready to prevent such alliances, there was often a mad dash for the Scottish border by the young lovers closely followed by the parents or their agents to prevent such a folly.  Whoever got there first won the race.

If the young lovers won the race they got married; if the parents the ecclesiastic blacksmiths went empty handed.  Such is life.

Now, if opportunity was created for a blacksmith who had a limited number of horses to shoe, that law and its resultant Gretna Green created opportunities  or aspiring novelists as well. Susannah put that shoe on and wrote Gretna Green.

What is the relationship of Gretna Green to Canonsbury House?  You can be that those young lovers didn’t wait for the knot to be tied before they consummated the marriage; hence the young ladies who had given away their greatest treasure were technically ruined women before that marriage.  If the parents won the race the technicality was removed.  The girls were ruined.

Thus Susannah could portray several ruined young ladies by which she could possibly relive her own tragedy.   Gretna Green was apparently pretty racy for the time because it aroused a fair reaction.  It was even suggested that perhaps she knew of that which she spoke.

George complained about this abuse of his wife but it is not known whether he received satisfaction.  I rather suspect that Susannah got a fair amount of satisfaction by exposing the Virgin Queen.  The resolution then of Susannah’s Canonbury House.

How did Ada Arundel react to learning who her mother was and that mother being the Queen of England who embraced her as her long lost daughter?

Rather a tragic ending.  Ada was so overjoyed that she burst a blood vessel in her brain and died from the joy that was so overwhelming.  Let us hope that Susannah felt redeemed if my speculation is correct.

Having finished reading the novel and looking back at the beginning one appreciates the irony that in Canonbury House mother and daughter are looking at each other not realizing that they are seeing their heart’s desire.  One might think that there should have been enough familial resemblance between the Queen and Ada  to create suspicion.

But, in a spiteful admission Susannah mentions that Elizabeth had never been a handsome woman and that Ada was stunningly beautiful so no surprise there. 

I don’t know how contemporaries  would have read the novel or what their reaction might have been.  I don’t know whether Susannah maliciously invented the story or had heard some rumor, in any event Ada died so that the evidence disappeared.

I don’t feel it necessary to detail the development of the novel as it was fairly pedestrian while Susannah was not at her peak for health reasons.

A Review

Canonbury House by Susannah Reynolds


Mary Queen Of Scots by George W.M. Reynolds

Review by R.E. Prindle


As you can tell by my attribution of Canonbury House to Susannah Reynolds, Georges wife I’m making a claim that needs explaining.  Let me establish my grounds for such a claim by reviewing circumstances of the couple at the time. 

‘Canonbury House was written from 11 July 1857-1 May 1858, first published in the Reynolds Miscellany in parts.

At the time the Reynolds were living in the resort town of Ramsgate in Georges home shire, Kent.  They had removed from London in 1854.  Susannah died in Ramsgate during 1858.

From those facts I surmise that Susannah was ill, suffering from a wasting disease.  Further, my guess is that she was suffering from breast cancer.  You may think that’s a leap.

Consider, George was  a breast fetishist, quite clearly shown in all his writing.  He was first magnitude.  He writes marvelous descriptions of the female breast, they are frequent and quite detailed.  On a few occasions he mentions breasts disfigured by cancers.  Unless he was unfaithful to Susannah, which I can’t conceive, where else would he have seen them?  Hence, I don’t think it is a great leap to think Susannah so suffered.  She died early, only forty four years old assuming she was George’s age, perhaps one or two years younger than her husband.  She may have been only sixteen when she married an eighteen year old George.  Is female characters are quite frequently sixteen.  As Georges work really required him to be in London, the move to Ramsgate probably to make Susannah’s last year more comfortable points to a wasting disease such as breast cancer.

At that time, according to Guy Dicks and his biography of his relative, Georges publisher, John Dicks, the two partners were each pulling down a hundred pounds a week from their business, so that at least at fifty two hundred pounds a year, the Reynolds were prosperous enough to live comfortably and, indeed, George bought a substantial free standing house in Ramsgate.

However George was yet to finish volume four of the  ‘Mysteries of the Court of London’ which work shows definite signs of divided attention.  Thus between making frequent trips to London and tending to his beloved Susannah his writing was definitely affected.

Now, Susannah herself was a novelist with some few titles to her credit including her novel ‘Gretna Green.’  One may assume that with greater leisure in Ramsgate she sought to create her Magnum Opus.  I have a slight acquaintance with Gretna Green in an unreadable OCR copy so I can form no adequate opinion on her earlier work although I do have a readable first edition of her Canonbury House.  That novel is acceptable work although inferior to Georges if only compared to his last work Mary, Queen of Scots published a year after ‘Canonbury House.’  Therefor, comparing hi work before and after ‘Canonbury House’ it isn’t likely that he wrote it.  As a key ingredient of his work hers contains no description of women’s breasts, not even those of Queen Mary.

As stated earlier the book took nearly a year to write, thirty installments in the Miscellany.   My copy of the published book by John Dicks has notes on he fly leaf from a former owner as well as those that appear to be from a book seller.

There is a penciled and erased signature from Arthur Reynolds, perhaps one of Georges sons. There is a full page faint erased text that might be made readable by electronic means.  A strong hand with a good pencil has written ‘First thus 1870- complete in 30 penny parts.’  As the installments were published in the Miscellany there shouldn’t be 30 penny parts unless there was a second publication by Dicks. Between 1857-58 and 1870 and also issued separately in 7 parts.  So, quite a publishing history.

Perhaps a bereaved Reynolds did his best to make it a seller or perhaps Queen Elizabeth was still hot copy.

John Dicks, who controlled the publishing schedule of Reynolds massive output apparently held back the book release until 1870.  It was his habit to date publications only on the initial issue.  The novel is relatively short at 237 double columned pages.  Small print.

Now, the last novel of Georges was an incident in the live of Mary Queen of Scots making it a companion piece to Susannah’.  It follows Susannah’s plan fairly closely.  Comparatively, Georges style is more fluent and the story is better constructed so that is impossible to think both novels came from the same hand.  I think it fairly obvious that Canonbury House must have been written by a failing Susannah. Perhaps Mary, Queen of Scots was Georges love letter to his beloved and deceased wife.  He was desolated.  He never remarried.

Canonbury House is a sort of mystery of which Queen Elizabeth is the central character.  I’m all spoilers here but you will probably never see a copy of the book.  No problem.

The story hinges on the maternity of a off-central character, the beauteous Ada Arundel.  No one knew who her parents were but she had always lived in the household of the richest commoner in England, the honourable Richard Spencer currently the Mayor of the City of London.  A substantial fellow, the Mayor of the City of London.

The Mayor of the City of London isn’t the mayor of the geographical city but of the Square Mile of the financial district.  The rest of London is all suburbs.  The Mayor of the City is independent of the Crown. It is subordinate to Parliament.  Spencer is not a noble but a man of business.  Still, he is the Mayor of the City and the richest commoner of England.

Once the mysteries are cleared up after the reading of the book one can go on and reflect about some of the deeper meanings of the story.

The point is that Queen Elizabeth would never be seen dead in this commoner’s house  except for the circumstances and Spencer’s position.

The subtext here seems to be that Elizabeth was known as the virgin queen but she was not.  Susannah seems to take great pleasure in exposing Elizabeth, except its just her private joke at this point.  Elizabeth had an illegitimate daughter which means that she was a fallen woman no better than any other fallen woman.  According to Susannah the secret began when her child was given to family that had just given birth to a still born and they agreed to take Elizabeth’s child and raise it as their own.

It is now thirty years on and we are not give any information on Ada’s birth.  The queen has been longing to learn what happened to her child.  She has no hint that she is sitting across from her daughter not does Ada know she is looking at her long lost mother.

If we readers had known this the story would have taken quite a different turn.  Perhaps for a better story.  Susannah then wrote the novel without a hint of the true situation keeping it as a surprise.

Without being critical, it is Susannah’s story, I wonder whether it wouldn’t have been better to reverse the situation and make Ada’s maternity apparent from the start then basing the story on Elizabeth’s discovery. 

Now, all novels are necessarily auto-biographical.  In Georges case he suffered from logorrhea.  Out of his millions of words one can easily determine the defining events of his life as he works them through a few of his repeating themes. As Susannah is leading us into a situation  in which the result is that the queen isn’t any better than she should be, her case is no different than she should be.  Her case is no different than the tens o thousands, hundreds of thousands of ordinary women who suffered the consequences of fallen women. And that might lead to single woman who fell- that is Susannah herself.  The only possible proof is in the pudding, that is the novel, ‘Canonbury House.’

Susannah’s history prior to her marriage isn’t known, however George consistently portrayed the fallen women, always in a sympathetic manner, who were seduced to their ruin, her greatest treasure stolen.

As far as we can conjecture Susannah Pierson was still with her father when  she met George.  Her age at that time was probably sixteen, George being eighteen.  Most of George’s heroines in his novels are sixteen. The loveliness of the sixteen year old stands out in all his novels.

In his novel ‘The Youthful Impostor’, written in 1932, rewritten and published in 1935, looking back a few years to an early friendship, his protagonist, Crawford, meets a shady character named Pearson, a man of the world in France, possibly Calais, not clear, given the similarity of names that Pearson represented the father of Susannah Pierson.  The names are too similar to be coincidental.

Pearson appears to be some high class grifter who was very wise, as in wiseguy and familiar with all the petty cheats and scams that only a fellow grifter would know.  He and Crawford are in a French gambling hell and the two watch a grifter clean out a mark.   Task done he gets up to leave.  As he does Pearson tells Crawford ‘Watch this.’ 

He then approaches the grifter whispering a few words in his ear,  the grifter, the grifter then follows him to his table and lays down half of his take and casually strolls away.  Crawford is dumbfounded.  Pearson explains:  If a grifter sees another working a mark, to keep his silence the other grifter must pay out half, which is what happened.  Crawford’s, that is Reynolds eyes are opened.  That’s what it means to be a man of the world.

As Crawford was on the way to Paris in company with Pickwick and his friends as well as the grifter Augustus Crashem and a man who was a gendarme closely resembling Pearson in appearance and manner, the Gendarme who will turn out to be the friendly Dumont watches with a know eye but does nothing as Crashem works his scam.  Perhaps he tapped Crashem for half..

Pearson and his daughter associating as they must with a shady crowd if is possible if not probable that a cute fourteen or fifteen year old girl might have been seduced and ruined which seared her soul causing total anguish that expiated itself in slandering a dead Queen Elizabethl by revealing something she knew or thought she knew thereby purifying her soul as she lay dying.  The poor girl and the privileged girl were the same.

‘Canonbury House’ wasn’t Susannah’s only novel; she wrote four or five others.  A batch of kids, running the household, helping George with his novels, writing her own as well as a cookbook,  what a woman.  No wonder George treasured her.  I have a wretched OCR copy of her novel ‘Gretna Green’ that might be a little revealing.  From the title I thought it might have been a biographical novel about a woman named Gretna Green, but study led me to a different conclusion. 

As it was, in the eighteenth century young lords were marrying common girls that infuriated their parents so in 1745 a law was passed making any such marriages invalid.  That was only an impediment not a blockade.  Enterprising souls in Scotland living in a small town called Gretna Green analyzed the situation then some fellow, blacksmiths and such got themselves ordained as ministers and began marrying the young swains and their commoner girlfriends, the marriages were legal in England. 

Thus the roads leading to Gretna Green were well traveled.  As the parents were on the alert ready to prevent such alliances, there was often a mad dash for the Scottish border by the young lovers closely followed by the parents or their agents to prevent such a folly.  Whoever got there first won the race.

If the young lovers won the race they got married; if the parents the ecclesiastic blacksmiths went empty handed.  Such is life.

Now, if opportunity was created for a blacksmith who had a limited number of horses to shoe, that law and its resultant Gretna Green created opportunities  or aspiring novelists as well. Susannah put that shoe on and wrote Gretna Green.

What is the relationship of Gretna Green to Canonsbury House?  You can be that those young lovers didn’t wait for the knot to be tied before they consummated the marriage; hence the young ladies who had given away their greatest treasure were technically ruined women before that marriage.  If the parents won the race the technicality was removed.  The girls were ruined.

Thus Susannah could portray several ruined young ladies by which she could possibly relive her own tragedy.   Gretna Green was apparently pretty racy for the time because it aroused a fair reaction.  It was even suggested that perhaps she knew of that which she spoke.

George complained about this abuse of his wife but it is not known whether he received satisfaction.  I rather suspect that Susannah got a fair amount of satisfaction by exposing the Virgin Queen.  The resolution then of Susannah’s Canonbury House.

How did Ada Arundel react to learning who her mother was and that mother being the Queen of England who embraced her as her long lost daughter?

Rather a tragic ending.  Ada was so overjoyed that she burst a blood vessel in her brain and died from the joy that was so overwhelming.  Let us hope that Susannah felt redeemed if my speculation is correct.

Having finished reading the novel and looking back at the beginning one appreciates the irony that in Canonbury House mother and daughter are looking at each other not realizing that they are seeing their heart’s desire.  One might think that there should have been enough familial resemblance between the Queen and Ada  to create suspicion.

But, in a spiteful admission Susannah mentions that Elizabeth had never been a handsome woman and that Ada was stunningly beautiful so no surprise there. 

I don’t know how contemporaries  would have read the novel or what their reaction might have been.  I don’t know whether Susannah maliciously invented the story or had heard some rumor, in any event Ada died so that the evidence disappeared.

I don’t feel it necessary to detail the development of the novel as it was fairly pedestrian while Susannah was not at her peak for health reasons.

A Review

Canonbury House by Susannah Reynolds


Mary Queen Of Scots by George W.M. Reynolds

Review by R.E. Prindle

As you can tell by my attribution of Canonbury House to Susannah Reynolds, Georges wife I’m making a claim that needs explaining.  Let me establish my grounds for such a claim by reviewing circumstances of the couple at the time. 

‘Canonbury House was written from 11 July 1857-1 May 1858, first published in the Reynolds Miscellany in parts.

At the time the Reynolds were living in the resort town of Ramsgate in Georges home shire, Kent.  They had removed from London in 1854.  Susannah died in Ramsgate during 1858.

From those facts I surmise that Susannah was ill, suffering from a wasting disease.  Further, my guess is that she was suffering from breast cancer.  You may think that’s a leap.

Consider, George was  a breast fetishist, quite clearly shown in all his writing.  He was first magnitude.  He writes marvelous descriptions of the female breast, they are frequent and quite detailed.  On a few occasions he mentions breasts disfigured by cancers.  Unless he was unfaithful to Susannah, which I can’t conceive, where else would he have seen them?  Hence, I don’t think it is a great leap to think Susannah so suffered.  She died early, only forty four years old assuming she was George’s age, perhaps one or two years younger than her husband.  She may have been only sixteen when she married an eighteen year old George.  Is female characters are quite frequently sixteen.  As Georges work really required him to be in London, the move to Ramsgate probably to make Susannah’s last year more comfortable points to a wasting disease such as breast cancer.

At that time, according to Guy Dicks and his biography of his relative, Georges publisher, John Dicks, the two partners were each pulling down a hundred pounds a week from their business, so that at least at fifty two hundred pounds a year, the Reynolds were prosperous enough to live comfortably and, indeed, George bought a substantial free standing house in Ramsgate.

However George was yet to finish volume four of the  ‘Mysteries of the Court of London’ which work shows definite signs of divided attention.  Thus between making frequent trips to London and tending to his beloved Susannah his writing was definitely affected.

Now, Susannah herself was a novelist with some few titles to her credit including her novel ‘Gretna Green.’  One may assume that with greater leisure in Ramsgate she sought to create her Magnum Opus.  I have a slight acquaintance with Gretna Green in an unreadable OCR copy so I can form no adequate opinion on her earlier work although I do have a readable first edition of her Canonbury House.  That novel is acceptable work although inferior to Georges if only compared to his last work Mary, Queen of Scots published a year after ‘Canonbury House.’  Therefor, comparing hi work before and after ‘Canonbury House’ it isn’t likely that he wrote it.  As a key ingredient of his work hers contains no description of women’s breasts, not even those of Queen Mary.

As stated earlier the book took nearly a year to write, thirty installments in the Miscellany.   My copy of the published book by John Dicks has notes on he fly leaf from a former owner as well as those that appear to be from a book seller.

There is a penciled and erased signature from Arthur Reynolds, perhaps one of Georges sons. There is a full page faint erased text that might be made readable by electronic means.  A strong hand with a good pencil has written ‘First thus 1870- complete in 30 penny parts.’  As the installments were published in the Miscellany there shouldn’t be 30 penny parts unless there was a second publication by Dicks. Between 1857-58 and 1870 and also issued separately in 7 parts.  So, quite a publishing history.

Perhaps a bereaved Reynolds did his best to make it a seller or perhaps Queen Elizabeth was still hot copy.

John Dicks, who controlled the publishing schedule of Reynolds massive output apparently held back the book release until 1870.  It was his habit to date publications only on the initial issue.  The novel is relatively short at 237 double columned pages.  Small print.

Now, the last novel of Georges was an incident in the live of Mary Queen of Scots making it a companion piece to Susannah’.  It follows Susannah’s plan fairly closely.  Comparatively, Georges style is more fluent and the story is better constructed so that is impossible to think both novels came from the same hand.  I think it fairly obvious that Canonbury House must have been written by a failing Susannah. Perhaps Mary, Queen of Scots was Georges love letter to his beloved and deceased wife.  He was desolated.  He never remarried.

Canonbury House is a sort of mystery of which Queen Elizabeth is the central character.  I’m all spoilers here but you will probably never see a copy of the book.  No problem.

The story hinges on the maternity of a off-central character, the beauteous Ada Arundel.  No one knew who her parents were but she had always lived in the household of the richest commoner in England, the honourable Richard Spencer currently the Mayor of the City of London.  A substantial fellow, the Mayor of the City of London.

The Mayor of the City of London isn’t the mayor of the geographical city but of the Square Mile of the financial district.  The rest of London is all suburbs.  The Mayor of the City is independent of the Crown. It is subordinate to Parliament.  Spencer is not a noble but a man of business.  Still, he is the Mayor of the City and the richest commoner of England.

Once the mysteries are cleared up after the reading of the book one can go on and reflect about some of the deeper meanings of the story.

The point is that Queen Elizabeth would never be seen dead in this commoner’s house  except for the circumstances and Spencer’s position.

The subtext here seems to be that Elizabeth was known as the virgin queen but she was not.  Susannah seems to take great pleasure in exposing Elizabeth, except its just her private joke at this point.  Elizabeth had an illegitimate daughter which means that she was a fallen woman no better than any other fallen woman.  According to Susannah the secret began when her child was given to family that had just given birth to a still born and they agreed to take Elizabeth’s child and raise it as their own.

It is now thirty years on and we are not give any information on Ada’s birth.  The queen has been longing to learn what happened to her child.  She has no hint that she is sitting across from her daughter not does Ada know she is looking at her long lost mother.

If we readers had known this the story would have taken quite a different turn.  Perhaps for a better story.  Susannah then wrote the novel without a hint of the true situation keeping it as a surprise.

Without being critical, it is Susannah’s story, I wonder whether it wouldn’t have been better to reverse the situation and make Ada’s maternity apparent from the start then basing the story on Elizabeth’s discovery. 

Now, all novels are necessarily auto-biographical.  In Georges case he suffered from logorrhea.  Out of his millions of words one can easily determine the defining events of his life as he works them through a few of his repeating themes. As Susannah is leading us into a situation  in which the result is that the queen isn’t any better than she should be, her case is no different than she should be.  Her case is no different than the tens o thousands, hundreds of thousands of ordinary women who suffered the consequences of fallen women. And that might lead to single woman who fell- that is Susannah herself.  The only possible proof is in the pudding, that is the novel, ‘Canonbury House.’

Susannah’s history prior to her marriage isn’t known, however George consistently portrayed the fallen women, always in a sympathetic manner, who were seduced to their ruin, her greatest treasure stolen.

As far as we can conjecture Susannah Pierson was still with her father when  she met George.  Her age at that time was probably sixteen, George being eighteen.  Most of George’s heroines in his novels are sixteen. The loveliness of the sixteen year old stands out in all his novels.

In his novel ‘The Youthful Impostor’, written in 1932, rewritten and published in 1935, looking back a few years to an early friendship, his protagonist, Crawford, meets a shady character named Pearson, a man of the world in France, possibly Calais, not clear, given the similarity of names that Pearson represented the father of Susannah Pierson.  The names are too similar to be coincidental.

Pearson appears to be some high class grifter who was very wise, as in wiseguy and familiar with all the petty cheats and scams that only a fellow grifter would know.  He and Crawford are in a French gambling hell and the two watch a grifter clean out a mark.   Task done he gets up to leave.  As he does Pearson tells Crawford ‘Watch this.’ 

He then approaches the grifter whispering a few words in his ear,  the grifter, the grifter then follows him to his table and lays down half of his take and casually strolls away.  Crawford is dumbfounded.  Pearson explains:  If a grifter sees another working a mark, to keep his silence the other grifter must pay out half, which is what happened.  Crawford’s, that is Reynolds eyes are opened.  That’s what it means to be a man of the world.

As Crawford was on the way to Paris in company with Pickwick and his friends as well as the grifter Augustus Crashem and a man who was a gendarme closely resembling Pearson in appearance and manner, the Gendarme who will turn out to be the friendly Dumont watches with a know eye but does nothing as Crashem works his scam.  Perhaps he tapped Crashem for half..

Pearson and his daughter associating as they must with a shady crowd if is possible if not probable that a cute fourteen or fifteen year old girl might have been seduced and ruined which seared her soul causing total anguish that expiated itself in slandering a dead Queen Elizabethl by revealing something she knew or thought she knew thereby purifying her soul as she lay dying.  The poor girl and the privileged girl were the same.

‘Canonbury House’ wasn’t Susannah’s only novel; she wrote four or five others.  A batch of kids, running the household, helping George with his novels, writing her own as well as a cookbook,  what a woman.  No wonder George treasured her.  I have a wretched OCR copy of her novel ‘Gretna Green’ that might be a little revealing.  From the title I thought it might have been a biographical novel about a woman named Gretna Green, but study led me to a different conclusion. 

As it was, in the eighteenth century young lords were marrying common girls that infuriated their parents so in 1745 a law was passed making any such marriages invalid.  That was only an impediment not a blockade.  Enterprising souls in Scotland living in a small town called Gretna Green analyzed the situation then some fellow, blacksmiths and such got themselves ordained as ministers and began marrying the young swains and their commoner girlfriends, the marriages were legal in England. 

Thus the roads leading to Gretna Green were well traveled.  As the parents were on the alert ready to prevent such alliances, there was often a mad dash for the Scottish border by the young lovers closely followed by the parents or their agents to prevent such a folly.  Whoever got there first won the race.

If the young lovers won the race they got married; if the parents the ecclesiastic blacksmiths went empty handed.  Such is life.

Now, if opportunity was created for a blacksmith who had a limited number of horses to shoe, that law and its resultant Gretna Green created opportunities  or aspiring novelists as well. Susannah put that shoe on and wrote Gretna Green.

What is the relationship of Gretna Green to Canonsbury House?  You can be that those young lovers didn’t wait for the knot to be tied before they consummated the marriage; hence the young ladies who had given away their greatest treasure were technically ruined women before that marriage.  If the parents won the race the technicality was removed.  The girls were ruined.

Thus Susannah could portray several ruined young ladies by which she could possibly relive her own tragedy.   Gretna Green was apparently pretty racy for the time because it aroused a fair reaction.  It was even suggested that perhaps she knew of that which she spoke.

George complained about this abuse of his wife but it is not known whether he received satisfaction.  I rather suspect that Susannah got a fair amount of satisfaction by exposing the Virgin Queen.  The resolution then of Susannah’s Canonbury House.

How did Ada Arundel react to learning who her mother was and that mother being the Queen of England who embraced her as her long lost daughter?

Rather a tragic ending.  Ada was so overjoyed that she burst a blood vessel in her brain and died from the joy that was so overwhelming.  Let us hope that Susannah felt redeemed if my speculation is correct.

Having finished reading the novel and looking back at the beginning one appreciates the irony that in Canonbury House mother and daughter are looking at each other not realizing that they are seeing their heart’s desire.  One might think that there should have been enough familial resemblance between the Queen and Ada  to create suspicion.

But, in a spiteful admission Susannah mentions that Elizabeth had never been a handsome woman and that Ada was stunningly beautiful so no surprise there. 

I don’t know how contemporaries  would have read the novel or what their reaction might have been.  I don’t know whether Susannah maliciously invented the story or had heard some rumor, in any event Ada died so that the evidence disappeared.

I don’t feel it necessary to detail the development of the novel as it was fairly pedestrian while Susannah was not at her peak for health reasons.

A Review

Canonbury House by Susannah Reynolds


Mary Queen Of Scots by George W.M. Reynolds

Review by R.E. Prindle


As you can tell by my attribution of Canonbury House to Susannah Reynolds, Georges wife I’m making a claim that needs explaining.  Let me establish my grounds for such a claim by reviewing circumstances of the couple at the time. 

‘Canonbury House was written from 11 July 1857-1 May 1858, first published in the Reynolds Miscellany in parts.

At the time the Reynolds were living in the resort town of Ramsgate in Georges home shire, Kent.  They had removed from London in 1854.  Susannah died in Ramsgate during 1858.

From those facts I surmise that Susannah was ill, suffering from a wasting disease.  Further, my guess is that she was suffering from breast cancer.  You may think that’s a leap.

Consider, George was  a breast fetishist, quite clearly shown in all his writing.  He was first magnitude.  He writes marvelous descriptions of the female breast, they are frequent and quite detailed.  On a few occasions he mentions breasts disfigured by cancers.  Unless he was unfaithful to Susannah, which I can’t conceive, where else would he have seen them?  Hence, I don’t think it is a great leap to think Susannah so suffered.  She died early, only forty four years old assuming she was George’s age, perhaps one or two years younger than her husband.  She may have been only sixteen when she married an eighteen year old George.  Is female characters are quite frequently sixteen.  As Georges work really required him to be in London, the move to Ramsgate probably to make Susannah’s last year more comfortable points to a wasting disease such as breast cancer.

At that time, according to Guy Dicks and his biography of his relative, Georges publisher, John Dicks, the two partners were each pulling down a hundred pounds a week from their business, so that at least at fifty two hundred pounds a year, the Reynolds were prosperous enough to live comfortably and, indeed, George bought a substantial free standing house in Ramsgate.

However George was yet to finish volume four of the  ‘Mysteries of the Court of London’ which work shows definite signs of divided attention.  Thus between making frequent trips to London and tending to his beloved Susannah his writing was definitely affected.

Now, Susannah herself was a novelist with some few titles to her credit including her novel ‘Gretna Green.’  One may assume that with greater leisure in Ramsgate she sought to create her Magnum Opus.  I have a slight acquaintance with Gretna Green in an unreadable OCR copy so I can form no adequate opinion on her earlier work although I do have a readable first edition of her Canonbury House.  That novel is acceptable work although inferior to Georges if only compared to his last work Mary, Queen of Scots published a year after ‘Canonbury House.’  Therefor, comparing hi work before and after ‘Canonbury House’ it isn’t likely that he wrote it.  As a key ingredient of his work hers contains no description of women’s breasts, not even those of Queen Mary.

As stated earlier the book took nearly a year to write, thirty installments in the Miscellany.   My copy of the published book by John Dicks has notes on he fly leaf from a former owner as well as those that appear to be from a book seller.

There is a penciled and erased signature from Arthur Reynolds, perhaps one of Georges sons. There is a full page faint erased text that might be made readable by electronic means.  A strong hand with a good pencil has written ‘First thus 1870- complete in 30 penny parts.’  As the installments were published in the Miscellany there shouldn’t be 30 penny parts unless there was a second publication by Dicks. Between 1857-58 and 1870 and also issued separately in 7 parts.  So, quite a publishing history.

Perhaps a bereaved Reynolds did his best to make it a seller or perhaps Queen Elizabeth was still hot copy.

John Dicks, who controlled the publishing schedule of Reynolds massive output apparently held back the book release until 1870.  It was his habit to date publications only on the initial issue.  The novel is relatively short at 237 double columned pages.  Small print.

Now, the last novel of Georges was an incident in the live of Mary Queen of Scots making it a companion piece to Susannah’.  It follows Susannah’s plan fairly closely.  Comparatively, Georges style is more fluent and the story is better constructed so that is impossible to think both novels came from the same hand.  I think it fairly obvious that Canonbury House must have been written by a failing Susannah. Perhaps Mary, Queen of Scots was Georges love letter to his beloved and deceased wife.  He was desolated.  He never remarried.

Canonbury House is a sort of mystery of which Queen Elizabeth is the central character.  I’m all spoilers here but you will probably never see a copy of the book.  No problem.

The story hinges on the maternity of a off-central character, the beauteous Ada Arundel.  No one knew who her parents were but she had always lived in the household of the richest commoner in England, the honourable Richard Spencer currently the Mayor of the City of London.  A substantial fellow, the Mayor of the City of London.

The Mayor of the City of London isn’t the mayor of the geographical city but of the Square Mile of the financial district.  The rest of London is all suburbs.  The Mayor of the City is independent of the Crown. It is subordinate to Parliament.  Spencer is not a noble but a man of business.  Still, he is the Mayor of the City and the richest commoner of England.

Once the mysteries are cleared up after the reading of the book one can go on and reflect about some of the deeper meanings of the story.

The point is that Queen Elizabeth would never be seen dead in this commoner’s house  except for the circumstances and Spencer’s position.

The subtext here seems to be that Elizabeth was known as the virgin queen but she was not.  Susannah seems to take great pleasure in exposing Elizabeth, except its just her private joke at this point.  Elizabeth had an illegitimate daughter which means that she was a fallen woman no better than any other fallen woman.  According to Susannah the secret began when her child was given to family that had just given birth to a still born and they agreed to take Elizabeth’s child and raise it as their own.

It is now thirty years on and we are not give any information on Ada’s birth.  The queen has been longing to learn what happened to her child.  She has no hint that she is sitting across from her daughter not does Ada know she is looking at her long lost mother.

If we readers had known this the story would have taken quite a different turn.  Perhaps for a better story.  Susannah then wrote the novel without a hint of the true situation keeping it as a surprise.

Without being critical, it is Susannah’s story, I wonder whether it wouldn’t have been better to reverse the situation and make Ada’s maternity apparent from the start then basing the story on Elizabeth’s discovery. 

Now, all novels are necessarily auto-biographical.  In Georges case he suffered from logorrhea.  Out of his millions of words one can easily determine the defining events of his life as he works them through a few of his repeating themes. As Susannah is leading us into a situation  in which the result is that the queen isn’t any better than she should be, her case is no different than she should be.  Her case is no different than the tens o thousands, hundreds of thousands of ordinary women who suffered the consequences of fallen women. And that might lead to single woman who fell- that is Susannah herself.  The only possible proof is in the pudding, that is the novel, ‘Canonbury House.’

Susannah’s history prior to her marriage isn’t known, however George consistently portrayed the fallen women, always in a sympathetic manner, who were seduced to their ruin, her greatest treasure stolen.

As far as we can conjecture Susannah Pierson was still with her father when  she met George.  Her age at that time was probably sixteen, George being eighteen.  Most of George’s heroines in his novels are sixteen. The loveliness of the sixteen year old stands out in all his novels.

In his novel ‘The Youthful Impostor’, written in 1932, rewritten and published in 1935, looking back a few years to an early friendship, his protagonist, Crawford, meets a shady character named Pearson, a man of the world in France, possibly Calais, not clear, given the similarity of names that Pearson represented the father of Susannah Pierson.  The names are too similar to be coincidental.

Pearson appears to be some high class grifter who was very wise, as in wiseguy and familiar with all the petty cheats and scams that only a fellow grifter would know.  He and Crawford are in a French gambling hell and the two watch a grifter clean out a mark.   Task done he gets up to leave.  As he does Pearson tells Crawford ‘Watch this.’ 

He then approaches the grifter whispering a few words in his ear,  the grifter, the grifter then follows him to his table and lays down half of his take and casually strolls away.  Crawford is dumbfounded.  Pearson explains:  If a grifter sees another working a mark, to keep his silence the other grifter must pay out half, which is what happened.  Crawford’s, that is Reynolds eyes are opened.  That’s what it means to be a man of the world.

As Crawford was on the way to Paris in company with Pickwick and his friends as well as the grifter Augustus Crashem and a man who was a gendarme closely resembling Pearson in appearance and manner, the Gendarme who will turn out to be the friendly Dumont watches with a know eye but does nothing as Crashem works his scam.  Perhaps he tapped Crashem for half..

Pearson and his daughter associating as they must with a shady crowd if is possible if not probable that a cute fourteen or fifteen year old girl might have been seduced and ruined which seared her soul causing total anguish that expiated itself in slandering a dead Queen Elizabethl by revealing something she knew or thought she knew thereby purifying her soul as she lay dying.  The poor girl and the privileged girl were the same.

‘Canonbury House’ wasn’t Susannah’s only novel; she wrote four or five others.  A batch of kids, running the household, helping George with his novels, writing her own as well as a cookbook,  what a woman.  No wonder George treasured her.  I have a wretched OCR copy of her novel ‘Gretna Green’ that might be a little revealing.  From the title I thought it might have been a biographical novel about a woman named Gretna Green, but study led me to a different conclusion. 

As it was, in the eighteenth century young lords were marrying common girls that infuriated their parents so in 1745 a law was passed making any such marriages invalid.  That was only an impediment not a blockade.  Enterprising souls in Scotland living in a small town called Gretna Green analyzed the situation then some fellow, blacksmiths and such got themselves ordained as ministers and began marrying the young swains and their commoner girlfriends, the marriages were legal in England. 

Thus the roads leading to Gretna Green were well traveled.  As the parents were on the alert ready to prevent such alliances, there was often a mad dash for the Scottish border by the young lovers closely followed by the parents or their agents to prevent such a folly.  Whoever got there first won the race.

If the young lovers won the race they got married; if the parents the ecclesiastic blacksmiths went empty handed.  Such is life.

Now, if opportunity was created for a blacksmith who had a limited number of horses to shoe, that law and its resultant Gretna Green created opportunities  or aspiring novelists as well. Susannah put that shoe on and wrote Gretna Green.

What is the relationship of Gretna Green to Canonsbury House?  You can be that those young lovers didn’t wait for the knot to be tied before they consummated the marriage; hence the young ladies who had given away their greatest treasure were technically ruined women before that marriage.  If the parents won the race the technicality was removed.  The girls were ruined.

Thus Susannah could portray several ruined young ladies by which she could possibly relive her own tragedy.   Gretna Green was apparently pretty racy for the time because it aroused a fair reaction.  It was even suggested that perhaps she knew of that which she spoke.

George complained about this abuse of his wife but it is not known whether he received satisfaction.  I rather suspect that Susannah got a fair amount of satisfaction by exposing the Virgin Queen.  The resolution then of Susannah’s Canonbury House.

How did Ada Arundel react to learning who her mother was and that mother being the Queen of England who embraced her as her long lost daughter?

Rather a tragic ending.  Ada was so overjoyed that she burst a blood vessel in her brain and died from the joy that was so overwhelming.  Let us hope that Susannah felt redeemed if my speculation is correct.

Having finished reading the novel and looking back at the beginning one appreciates the irony that in Canonbury House mother and daughter are looking at each other not realizing that they are seeing their heart’s desire.  One might think that there should have been enough familial resemblance between the Queen and Ada  to create suspicion.

But, in a spiteful admission Susannah mentions that Elizabeth had never been a handsome woman and that Ada was stunningly beautiful so no surprise there. 

I don’t know how contemporaries  would have read the novel or what their reaction might have been.  I don’t know whether Susannah maliciously invented the story or had heard some rumor, in any event Ada died so that the evidence disappeared.

I don’t feel it necessary to detail the development of the novel as it was fairly pedestrian while Susannah was not at her peak for health reasons.

A Review

Canonbury House by Susannah Reynolds


Mary Queen Of Scots by George W.M. Reynolds

Review by R.E. Prindle

As you can tell by my attribution of Canonbury House to Susannah Reynolds, Georges wife I’m making a claim that needs explaining.  Let me establish my grounds for such a claim by reviewing circumstances of the couple at the time. 

‘Canonbury House was written from 11 July 1857-1 May 1858, first published in the Reynolds Miscellany in parts.

At the time the Reynolds were living in the resort town of Ramsgate in Georges home shire, Kent.  They had removed from London in 1854.  Susannah died in Ramsgate during 1858.

From those facts I surmise that Susannah was ill, suffering from a wasting disease.  Further, my guess is that she was suffering from breast cancer.  You may think that’s a leap.

Consider, George was  a breast fetishist, quite clearly shown in all his writing.  He was first magnitude.  He writes marvelous descriptions of the female breast, they are frequent and quite detailed.  On a few occasions he mentions breasts disfigured by cancers.  Unless he was unfaithful to Susannah, which I can’t conceive, where else would he have seen them?  Hence, I don’t think it is a great leap to think Susannah so suffered.  She died early, only forty four years old assuming she was George’s age, perhaps one or two years younger than her husband.  She may have been only sixteen when she married an eighteen year old George.  Is female characters are quite frequently sixteen.  As Georges work really required him to be in London, the move to Ramsgate probably to make Susannah’s last year more comfortable points to a wasting disease such as breast cancer.

At that time, according to Guy Dicks and his biography of his relative, Georges publisher, John Dicks, the two partners were each pulling down a hundred pounds a week from their business, so that at least at fifty two hundred pounds a year, the Reynolds were prosperous enough to live comfortably and, indeed, George bought a substantial free standing house in Ramsgate.

However George was yet to finish volume four of the  ‘Mysteries of the Court of London’ which work shows definite signs of divided attention.  Thus between making frequent trips to London and tending to his beloved Susannah his writing was definitely affected.

Now, Susannah herself was a novelist with some few titles to her credit including her novel ‘Gretna Green.’  One may assume that with greater leisure in Ramsgate she sought to create her Magnum Opus.  I have a slight acquaintance with Gretna Green in an unreadable OCR copy so I can form no adequate opinion on her earlier work although I do have a readable first edition of her Canonbury House.  That novel is acceptable work although inferior to Georges if only compared to his last work Mary, Queen of Scots published a year after ‘Canonbury House.’  Therefor, comparing hi work before and after ‘Canonbury House’ it isn’t likely that he wrote it.  As a key ingredient of his work hers contains no description of women’s breasts, not even those of Queen Mary.

As stated earlier the book took nearly a year to write, thirty installments in the Miscellany.   My copy of the published book by John Dicks has notes on he fly leaf from a former owner as well as those that appear to be from a book seller.

There is a penciled and erased signature from Arthur Reynolds, perhaps one of Georges sons. There is a full page faint erased text that might be made readable by electronic means.  A strong hand with a good pencil has written ‘First thus 1870- complete in 30 penny parts.’  As the installments were published in the Miscellany there shouldn’t be 30 penny parts unless there was a second publication by Dicks. Between 1857-58 and 1870 and also issued separately in 7 parts.  So, quite a publishing history.

Perhaps a bereaved Reynolds did his best to make it a seller or perhaps Queen Elizabeth was still hot copy.

John Dicks, who controlled the publishing schedule of Reynolds massive output apparently held back the book release until 1870.  It was his habit to date publications only on the initial issue.  The novel is relatively short at 237 double columned pages.  Small print.

Now, the last novel of Georges was an incident in the live of Mary Queen of Scots making it a companion piece to Susannah’.  It follows Susannah’s plan fairly closely.  Comparatively, Georges style is more fluent and the story is better constructed so that is impossible to think both novels came from the same hand.  I think it fairly obvious that Canonbury House must have been written by a failing Susannah. Perhaps Mary, Queen of Scots was Georges love letter to his beloved and deceased wife.  He was desolated.  He never remarried.

Canonbury House is a sort of mystery of which Queen Elizabeth is the central character.  I’m all spoilers here but you will probably never see a copy of the book.  No problem.

The story hinges on the maternity of a off-central character, the beauteous Ada Arundel.  No one knew who her parents were but she had always lived in the household of the richest commoner in England, the honourable Richard Spencer currently the Mayor of the City of London.  A substantial fellow, the Mayor of the City of London.

The Mayor of the City of London isn’t the mayor of the geographical city but of the Square Mile of the financial district.  The rest of London is all suburbs.  The Mayor of the City is independent of the Crown. It is subordinate to Parliament.  Spencer is not a noble but a man of business.  Still, he is the Mayor of the City and the richest commoner of England.

Once the mysteries are cleared up after the reading of the book one can go on and reflect about some of the deeper meanings of the story.

The point is that Queen Elizabeth would never be seen dead in this commoner’s house  except for the circumstances and Spencer’s position.

The subtext here seems to be that Elizabeth was known as the virgin queen but she was not.  Susannah seems to take great pleasure in exposing Elizabeth, except its just her private joke at this point.  Elizabeth had an illegitimate daughter which means that she was a fallen woman no better than any other fallen woman.  According to Susannah the secret began when her child was given to family that had just given birth to a still born and they agreed to take Elizabeth’s child and raise it as their own.

It is now thirty years on and we are not give any information on Ada’s birth.  The queen has been longing to learn what happened to her child.  She has no hint that she is sitting across from her daughter not does Ada know she is looking at her long lost mother.

If we readers had known this the story would have taken quite a different turn.  Perhaps for a better story.  Susannah then wrote the novel without a hint of the true situation keeping it as a surprise.

Without being critical, it is Susannah’s story, I wonder whether it wouldn’t have been better to reverse the situation and make Ada’s maternity apparent from the start then basing the story on Elizabeth’s discovery. 

Now, all novels are necessarily auto-biographical.  In Georges case he suffered from logorrhea.  Out of his millions of words one can easily determine the defining events of his life as he works them through a few of his repeating themes. As Susannah is leading us into a situation  in which the result is that the queen isn’t any better than she should be, her case is no different than she should be.  Her case is no different than the tens o thousands, hundreds of thousands of ordinary women who suffered the consequences of fallen women. And that might lead to single woman who fell- that is Susannah herself.  The only possible proof is in the pudding, that is the novel, ‘Canonbury House.’

Susannah’s history prior to her marriage isn’t known, however George consistently portrayed the fallen women, always in a sympathetic manner, who were seduced to their ruin, her greatest treasure stolen.

As far as we can conjecture Susannah Pierson was still with her father when  she met George.  Her age at that time was probably sixteen, George being eighteen.  Most of George’s heroines in his novels are sixteen. The loveliness of the sixteen year old stands out in all his novels.

In his novel ‘The Youthful Impostor’, written in 1932, rewritten and published in 1935, looking back a few years to an early friendship, his protagonist, Crawford, meets a shady character named Pearson, a man of the world in France, possibly Calais, not clear, given the similarity of names that Pearson represented the father of Susannah Pierson.  The names are too similar to be coincidental.

Pearson appears to be some high class grifter who was very wise, as in wiseguy and familiar with all the petty cheats and scams that only a fellow grifter would know.  He and Crawford are in a French gambling hell and the two watch a grifter clean out a mark.   Task done he gets up to leave.  As he does Pearson tells Crawford ‘Watch this.’ 

He then approaches the grifter whispering a few words in his ear,  the grifter, the grifter then follows him to his table and lays down half of his take and casually strolls away.  Crawford is dumbfounded.  Pearson explains:  If a grifter sees another working a mark, to keep his silence the other grifter must pay out half, which is what happened.  Crawford’s, that is Reynolds eyes are opened.  That’s what it means to be a man of the world.

As Crawford was on the way to Paris in company with Pickwick and his friends as well as the grifter Augustus Crashem and a man who was a gendarme closely resembling Pearson in appearance and manner, the Gendarme who will turn out to be the friendly Dumont watches with a know eye but does nothing as Crashem works his scam.  Perhaps he tapped Crashem for half..

Pearson and his daughter associating as they must with a shady crowd if is possible if not probable that a cute fourteen or fifteen year old girl might have been seduced and ruined which seared her soul causing total anguish that expiated itself in slandering a dead Queen Elizabethl by revealing something she knew or thought she knew thereby purifying her soul as she lay dying.  The poor girl and the privileged girl were the same.

‘Canonbury House’ wasn’t Susannah’s only novel; she wrote four or five others.  A batch of kids, running the household, helping George with his novels, writing her own as well as a cookbook,  what a woman.  No wonder George treasured her.  I have a wretched OCR copy of her novel ‘Gretna Green’ that might be a little revealing.  From the title I thought it might have been a biographical novel about a woman named Gretna Green, but study led me to a different conclusion. 

As it was, in the eighteenth century young lords were marrying common girls that infuriated their parents so in 1745 a law was passed making any such marriages invalid.  That was only an impediment not a blockade.  Enterprising souls in Scotland living in a small town called Gretna Green analyzed the situation then some fellow, blacksmiths and such got themselves ordained as ministers and began marrying the young swains and their commoner girlfriends, the marriages were legal in England. 

Thus the roads leading to Gretna Green were well traveled.  As the parents were on the alert ready to prevent such alliances, there was often a mad dash for the Scottish border by the young lovers closely followed by the parents or their agents to prevent such a folly.  Whoever got there first won the race.

If the young lovers won the race they got married; if the parents the ecclesiastic blacksmiths went empty handed.  Such is life.

Now, if opportunity was created for a blacksmith who had a limited number of horses to shoe, that law and its resultant Gretna Green created opportunities  or aspiring novelists as well. Susannah put that shoe on and wrote Gretna Green.

What is the relationship of Gretna Green to Canonsbury House?  You can be that those young lovers didn’t wait for the knot to be tied before they consummated the marriage; hence the young ladies who had given away their greatest treasure were technically ruined women before that marriage.  If the parents won the race the technicality was removed.  The girls were ruined.

Thus Susannah could portray several ruined young ladies by which she could possibly relive her own tragedy.   Gretna Green was apparently pretty racy for the time because it aroused a fair reaction.  It was even suggested that perhaps she knew of that which she spoke.

George complained about this abuse of his wife but it is not known whether he received satisfaction.  I rather suspect that Susannah got a fair amount of satisfaction by exposing the Virgin Queen.  The resolution then of Susannah’s Canonbury House.

How did Ada Arundel react to learning who her mother was and that mother being the Queen of England who embraced her as her long lost daughter?

Rather a tragic ending.  Ada was so overjoyed that she burst a blood vessel in her brain and died from the joy that was so overwhelming.  Let us hope that Susannah felt redeemed if my speculation is correct.

Having finished reading the novel and looking back at the beginning one appreciates the irony that in Canonbury House mother and daughter are looking at each other not realizing that they are seeing their heart’s desire.  One might think that there should have been enough familial resemblance between the Queen and Ada  to create suspicion.

But, in a spiteful admission Susannah mentions that Elizabeth had never been a handsome woman and that Ada was stunningly beautiful so no surprise there. 

I don’t know how contemporaries  would have read the novel or what their reaction might have been.  I don’t know whether Susannah maliciously invented the story or had heard some rumor, in any event Ada died so that the evidence disappeared.

I don’t feel it necessary to detail the development of the novel as it was fairly pedestrian while Susannah was not at her peak for health reasons.

Century Society Minutes 10/2/2023

A Short Review Of Genocides.


R.E. Prindle (Sec’y)

The meeting was called to order. A paper was read by member Eric Hobsbawn examining the role of genocide in human history.  A precis follows.  Original in our files.

Rather than considering genocide as an aberration of WWII I hope to show that genocide is a normal activity while the ‘final solution’ is the only reasonable solution of a conquering people seeking ‘lebensraum’.

In early times of the Age of Aries when the population of settlements grew too great for the location to support  young men were selected to emigrate.  Young men in their youthful exuberance are disruptive to the peace of a smallish community so better to send them to find a new home.

These men set out to find their place.  When they found a suitable location they attacked killing all the males while appropriating the women for themselves.  Thus genocide removed later problems while the community was reformed according to the accustomed  mores of their home while being modified by those of the women. 

Transiting from the Age of Taurus to that of Aries the mind of mankind developed accordingly.  As it did the new mindset conflicted with the old mindset  so we had the sort of problem that is developing now between the mindset of Pisces and incoming mindset of Aquarius.

This type of conflict was clearly recorded by the Jews of Moses’ day in the book of Exodus.  In the story Moses came down from the mountain and noticed that his people were worshipping the golden calf or the bull symbolizing the Age of Taurus.  He did more than just get angry, he threw down the tablets of law he was carrying smashing them.  He then stormed up the mountain to obtain a new set.  I would love to have seen the god’s reaction to his incompetent’s demand for a new set.  ‘I’m sorry Sir, but they got a little heavy.’  God cut it down from twenty-five commandants to ten to make the load a little lighter.  Exodus 32: 27-29, King James version:


‘And (Moses) said unto them (the people) Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, put every one his sword by his side, and go in and out from every gate to gate throughout the camp, and slay every man, his brother, and every man his companion, and every man his neighbor’.  And the children of Levi did according to the word of Moses.  And there fell of the people that day about three thousand men.  For Moses had said.  ‘Consecrate yourselves today to the LORD, even every man his son, and upon his brother that he may be bestow  upon you a blessing this day.’


Thus, to acquire a unity of belief it was necessary to kill all the citizens who still clung to the Taurian religion.  And this, at the command of God., the new god.  The old god to the trashcan.  Moses by this stern rebuke hoped to convert by force his people to his new Arien version of Judaism.  As the twig is bent the tree will incline.

This attitude would be passed on to the Aryans of Europe through the agency of  Roman Catholic Christianity.  Hence the atrocities of the Spanish inquisition during which tens of thousands were burned at the stake.  They were burned because the Catholic Church abjured bloodshed.

Let us pass over innumerable examples to arrive at the French Revolution of 1789.  Thus began  the era of the revolution in which the Monarchy and nobles of what then became the old dispensation were eliminated in favor of the new.  A genocide was also declared on the Vendee because as Karl Marx offhandedly remarked in his ‘Revolution and Counter-Revolution that no government could tolerate such counter-revolutionists in its midst.  On the side of the Jew Marx., consider that statement in the  role of the Jews in Germany.

By the time of the French Revolution the Age of Aries had passed and the Age of Pisces was in progress. It is to be noted that the Jewish nation was the most influential people of the French Revolution while the benefits of the carnage mostly favored that nation.  Each stage of this tremendous revolution, 1789, 1830, 1848, 1870, 1905 and 1917 and WWII increased Jewish power.  Their problem was that they lacked a territory, ‘lebensraum.’  Think about the present Russian-Ukraine war now.

In 1917 it appeared that they had succeeded in appropriating Russia as a homeland but they were outmaneuvered by Stalin and were once again forced into a subordinate position.

Turning to a new expedient they chose Germany as their projected homeland.  This required the genocide of the male population leaving only the women not unlike the ancient solution.

They lacked the power themselves to accomplish the fact, however having thoroughly infiltrated the governments of Russia, France, England and the United States they turned those countries against the ‘evil’ Germans, those damnable Prussian ‘Militarists’, while maneuvering the Germans to battle the Communist now Soviet Union, once Russia. which triggered the North Americans to join the war.against the ‘Aggressor’ nations.  That is the non-Communist States of Germany, Italy and Japan.

They made the mistake of proclaiming  their intent to conduct a genocide of German males which caused a counter effort of the Germans.  Refer back to the French Revolution attitude toward the Vendees.

These Jewish subjects, is that to strong a characterization? with massive military machines opened the genocide of Germany in an non-stop night and day bombing campaign against the civilian German people.  It was a holocaust of Germany.  Horrible.  The Germans retorted accordingly.  Equally horrible.

Nothing daunted the Jewish remnant, after the German fiasco conceived the notion of a genocide against ‘Whiteness’, that is, the Aryan race.  That is the final solution we find ourselves in today.

This remarkable reversal of roles will have been achieved over more that four thousand years of unremitting effort, the Ages of Aries, Pisces and now Aquarius.  Using the ‘colored’ peoples as their unwitting agents the whole world is now being directed to the genocide of ‘Whiteness.’

Genocide: As it was and is so it will be.

Thank you for listening.

The gathering stunned and aghast filed out.  The session was closed on that note.

Century Society Minutes 10/2/2023

A Short Review Of Genocides.


R.E. Prindle (Sec’y)

The meeting was called to order. A paper was read by member Eric Hobsbawn examining the role of genocide in human history.  A precis follows.  Original in our files.

Rather than considering genocide as an aberration of WWII I hope to show that genocide is a normal activity while the ‘final solution’ is the only reasonable solution of a conquering people seeking ‘lebensraum’.

In early times of the Age of Aries when the population of settlements grew too great for the location to support  young men were selected to emigrate.  Young men in their youthful exuberance are disruptive to the peace of a smallish community so better to send them to find a new home.

These men set out to find their place.  When they found a suitable location they attacked killing all the males while appropriating the women for themselves.  Thus genocide removed later problems while the community was reformed according to the accustomed  mores of their home while being modified by those of the women. 

Transiting from the Age of Taurus to that of Aries the mind of mankind developed accordingly.  As it did the new mindset conflicted with the old mindset  so we had the sort of problem that is developing now between the mindset of Pisces and incoming mindset of Aquarius.

This type of conflict was clearly recorded by the Jews of Moses’ day in the book of Exodus.  In the story Moses came down from the mountain and noticed that his people were worshipping the golden calf or the bull symbolizing the Age of Taurus.  He did more than just get angry, he threw down the tablets of law he was carrying smashing them.  He then stormed up the mountain to obtain a new set.  I would love to have seen the god’s reaction to his incompetent’s demand for a new set.  ‘I’m sorry Sir, but they got a little heavy.’  God cut it down from twenty-five commandants to ten to make the load a little lighter.  Exodus 32: 27-29, King James version:


‘And (Moses) said unto them (the people) Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, put every one his sword by his side, and go in and out from every gate to gate throughout the camp, and slay every man, his brother, and every man his companion, and every man his neighbor’.  And the children of Levi did according to the word of Moses.  And there fell of the people that day about three thousand men.  For Moses had said.  ‘Consecrate yourselves today to the LORD, even every man his son, and upon his brother that he may be bestow  upon you a blessing this day.’


Thus, to acquire a unity of belief it was necessary to kill all the citizens who still clung to the Taurian religion.  And this, at the command of God., the new god.  The old god to the trashcan.  Moses by this stern rebuke hoped to convert by force his people to his new Arien version of Judaism.  As the twig is bent the tree will incline.

This attitude would be passed on to the Aryans of Europe through the agency of  Roman Catholic Christianity.  Hence the atrocities of the Spanish inquisition during which tens of thousands were burned at the stake.  They were burned because the Catholic Church abjured bloodshed.

Let us pass over innumerable examples to arrive at the French Revolution of 1789.  Thus began  the era of the revolution in which the Monarchy and nobles of what then became the old dispensation were eliminated in favor of the new.  A genocide was also declared on the Vendee because as Karl Marx offhandedly remarked in his ‘Revolution and Counter-Revolution that no government could tolerate such counter-revolutionists in its midst.  On the side of the Jew Marx., consider that statement in the  role of the Jews in Germany.

By the time of the French Revolution the Age of Aries had passed and the Age of Pisces was in progress. It is to be noted that the Jewish nation was the most influential people of the French Revolution while the benefits of the carnage mostly favored that nation.  Each stage of this tremendous revolution, 1789, 1830, 1848, 1870, 1905 and 1917 and WWII increased Jewish power.  Their problem was that they lacked a territory, ‘lebensraum.’  Think about the present Russian-Ukraine war now.

In 1917 it appeared that they had succeeded in appropriating Russia as a homeland but they were outmaneuvered by Stalin and were once again forced into a subordinate position.

Turning to a new expedient they chose Germany as their projected homeland.  This required the genocide of the male population leaving only the women not unlike the ancient solution.

They lacked the power themselves to accomplish the fact, however having thoroughly infiltrated the governments of Russia, France, England and the United States they turned those countries against the ‘evil’ Germans, those damnable Prussian ‘Militarists’, while maneuvering the Germans to battle the Communist now Soviet Union, once Russia. which triggered the North Americans to join the war.against the ‘Aggressor’ nations.  That is the non-Communist States of Germany, Italy and Japan.

They made the mistake of proclaiming  their intent to conduct a genocide of German males which caused a counter effort of the Germans.  Refer back to the French Revolution attitude toward the Vendees.

These Jewish subjects, is that to strong a characterization? with massive military machines opened the genocide of Germany in an non-stop night and day bombing campaign against the civilian German people.  It was a holocaust of Germany.  Horrible.  The Germans retorted accordingly.  Equally horrible.

Nothing daunted the Jewish remnant, after the German fiasco conceived the notion of a genocide against ‘Whiteness’, that is, the Aryan race.  That is the final solution we find ourselves in today.

This remarkable reversal of roles will have been achieved over more that four thousand years of unremitting effort, the Ages of Aries, Pisces and now Aquarius.  Using the ‘colored’ peoples as their unwitting agents the whole world is now being directed to the genocide of ‘Whiteness.’

Genocide: As it was and is so it will be.

Thank you for listening.

The gathering stunned and aghast filed out.  The session was closed on that note.

Century Society Minutes 10/2/2023

A Short Review Of Genocides.


R.E. Prindle (Sec’y)

The meeting was called to order. A paper was read by member Eric Hobsbawn examining the role of genocide in human history.  A precis follows.  Original in our files.

Rather than considering genocide as an aberration of WWII I hope to show that genocide is a normal activity while the ‘final solution’ is the only reasonable solution of a conquering people seeking ‘lebensraum’.

In early times of the Age of Aries when the population of settlements grew too great for the location to support  young men were selected to emigrate.  Young men in their youthful exuberance are disruptive to the peace of a smallish community so better to send them to find a new home.

These men set out to find their place.  When they found a suitable location they attacked killing all the males while appropriating the women for themselves.  Thus genocide removed later problems while the community was reformed according to the accustomed  mores of their home while being modified by those of the women. 

Transiting from the Age of Taurus to that of Aries the mind of mankind developed accordingly.  As it did the new mindset conflicted with the old mindset  so we had the sort of problem that is developing now between the mindset of Pisces and incoming mindset of Aquarius.

This type of conflict was clearly recorded by the Jews of Moses’ day in the book of Exodus.  In the story Moses came down from the mountain and noticed that his people were worshipping the golden calf or the bull symbolizing the Age of Taurus.  He did more than just get angry, he threw down the tablets of law he was carrying smashing them.  He then stormed up the mountain to obtain a new set.  I would love to have seen the god’s reaction to his incompetent’s demand for a new set.  ‘I’m sorry Sir, but they got a little heavy.’  God cut it down from twenty-five commandants to ten to make the load a little lighter.  Exodus 32: 27-29, King James version:


‘And (Moses) said unto them (the people) Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, put every one his sword by his side, and go in and out from every gate to gate throughout the camp, and slay every man, his brother, and every man his companion, and every man his neighbor’.  And the children of Levi did according to the word of Moses.  And there fell of the people that day about three thousand men.  For Moses had said.  ‘Consecrate yourselves today to the LORD, even every man his son, and upon his brother that he may be bestow  upon you a blessing this day.’


Thus, to acquire a unity of belief it was necessary to kill all the citizens who still clung to the Taurian religion.  And this, at the command of God., the new god.  The old god to the trashcan.  Moses by this stern rebuke hoped to convert by force his people to his new Arien version of Judaism.  As the twig is bent the tree will incline.

This attitude would be passed on to the Aryans of Europe through the agency of  Roman Catholic Christianity.  Hence the atrocities of the Spanish inquisition during which tens of thousands were burned at the stake.  They were burned because the Catholic Church abjured bloodshed.

Let us pass over innumerable examples to arrive at the French Revolution of 1789.  Thus began  the era of the revolution in which the Monarchy and nobles of what then became the old dispensation were eliminated in favor of the new.  A genocide was also declared on the Vendee because as Karl Marx offhandedly remarked in his ‘Revolution and Counter-Revolution that no government could tolerate such counter-revolutionists in its midst.  On the side of the Jew Marx., consider that statement in the  role of the Jews in Germany.

By the time of the French Revolution the Age of Aries had passed and the Age of Pisces was in progress. It is to be noted that the Jewish nation was the most influential people of the French Revolution while the benefits of the carnage mostly favored that nation.  Each stage of this tremendous revolution, 1789, 1830, 1848, 1870, 1905 and 1917 and WWII increased Jewish power.  Their problem was that they lacked a territory, ‘lebensraum.’  Think about the present Russian-Ukraine war now.

In 1917 it appeared that they had succeeded in appropriating Russia as a homeland but they were outmaneuvered by Stalin and were once again forced into a subordinate position.

Turning to a new expedient they chose Germany as their projected homeland.  This required the genocide of the male population leaving only the women not unlike the ancient solution.

They lacked the power themselves to accomplish the fact, however having thoroughly infiltrated the governments of Russia, France, England and the United States they turned those countries against the ‘evil’ Germans, those damnable Prussian ‘Militarists’, while maneuvering the Germans to battle the Communist now Soviet Union, once Russia. which triggered the North Americans to join the war.against the ‘Aggressor’ nations.  That is the non-Communist States of Germany, Italy and Japan.

They made the mistake of proclaiming  their intent to conduct a genocide of German males which caused a counter effort of the Germans.  Refer back to the French Revolution attitude toward the Vendees.

These Jewish subjects, is that to strong a characterization? with massive military machines opened the genocide of Germany in an non-stop night and day bombing campaign against the civilian German people.  It was a holocaust of Germany.  Horrible.  The Germans retorted accordingly.  Equally horrible.

Nothing daunted the Jewish remnant, after the German fiasco conceived the notion of a genocide against ‘Whiteness’, that is, the Aryan race.  That is the final solution we find ourselves in today.

This remarkable reversal of roles will have been achieved over more that four thousand years of unremitting effort, the Ages of Aries, Pisces and now Aquarius.  Using the ‘colored’ peoples as their unwitting agents the whole world is now being directed to the genocide of ‘Whiteness.’

Genocide: As it was and is so it will be.

Thank you for listening.

The gathering stunned and aghast filed out.  The session was closed on that note.

Century Society Minutes 10/2/2023

A Short Review Of Genocides.


R.E. Prindle (Sec’y)

The meeting was called to order. A paper was read by member Eric Hobsbawn examining the role of genocide in human history.  A precis follows.  Original in our files.

Rather than considering genocide as an aberration of WWII I hope to show that genocide is a normal activity while the ‘final solution’ is the only reasonable solution of a conquering people seeking ‘lebensraum’.

In early times of the Age of Aries when the population of settlements grew too great for the location to support  young men were selected to emigrate.  Young men in their youthful exuberance are disruptive to the peace of a smallish community so better to send them to find a new home.

These men set out to find their place.  When they found a suitable location they attacked killing all the males while appropriating the women for themselves.  Thus genocide removed later problems while the community was reformed according to the accustomed  mores of their home while being modified by those of the women. 

Transiting from the Age of Taurus to that of Aries the mind of mankind developed accordingly.  As it did the new mindset conflicted with the old mindset  so we had the sort of problem that is developing now between the mindset of Pisces and incoming mindset of Aquarius.

This type of conflict was clearly recorded by the Jews of Moses’ day in the book of Exodus.  In the story Moses came down from the mountain and noticed that his people were worshipping the golden calf or the bull symbolizing the Age of Taurus.  He did more than just get angry, he threw down the tablets of law he was carrying smashing them.  He then stormed up the mountain to obtain a new set.  I would love to have seen the god’s reaction to his incompetent’s demand for a new set.  ‘I’m sorry Sir, but they got a little heavy.’  God cut it down from twenty-five commandants to ten to make the load a little lighter.  Exodus 32: 27-29, King James version:


‘And (Moses) said unto them (the people) Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, put every one his sword by his side, and go in and out from every gate to gate throughout the camp, and slay every man, his brother, and every man his companion, and every man his neighbor’.  And the children of Levi did according to the word of Moses.  And there fell of the people that day about three thousand men.  For Moses had said.  ‘Consecrate yourselves today to the LORD, even every man his son, and upon his brother that he may be bestow  upon you a blessing this day.’


Thus, to acquire a unity of belief it was necessary to kill all the citizens who still clung to the Taurian religion.  And this, at the command of God., the new god.  The old god to the trashcan.  Moses by this stern rebuke hoped to convert by force his people to his new Arien version of Judaism.  As the twig is bent the tree will incline.

This attitude would be passed on to the Aryans of Europe through the agency of  Roman Catholic Christianity.  Hence the atrocities of the Spanish inquisition during which tens of thousands were burned at the stake.  They were burned because the Catholic Church abjured bloodshed.

Let us pass over innumerable examples to arrive at the French Revolution of 1789.  Thus began  the era of the revolution in which the Monarchy and nobles of what then became the old dispensation were eliminated in favor of the new.  A genocide was also declared on the Vendee because as Karl Marx offhandedly remarked in his ‘Revolution and Counter-Revolution that no government could tolerate such counter-revolutionists in its midst.  On the side of the Jew Marx., consider that statement in the  role of the Jews in Germany.

By the time of the French Revolution the Age of Aries had passed and the Age of Pisces was in progress. It is to be noted that the Jewish nation was the most influential people of the French Revolution while the benefits of the carnage mostly favored that nation.  Each stage of this tremendous revolution, 1789, 1830, 1848, 1870, 1905 and 1917 and WWII increased Jewish power.  Their problem was that they lacked a territory, ‘lebensraum.’  Think about the present Russian-Ukraine war now.

In 1917 it appeared that they had succeeded in appropriating Russia as a homeland but they were outmaneuvered by Stalin and were once again forced into a subordinate position.

Turning to a new expedient they chose Germany as their projected homeland.  This required the genocide of the male population leaving only the women not unlike the ancient solution.

They lacked the power themselves to accomplish the fact, however having thoroughly infiltrated the governments of Russia, France, England and the United States they turned those countries against the ‘evil’ Germans, those damnable Prussian ‘Militarists’, while maneuvering the Germans to battle the Communist now Soviet Union, once Russia. which triggered the North Americans to join the war.against the ‘Aggressor’ nations.  That is the non-Communist States of Germany, Italy and Japan.

They made the mistake of proclaiming  their intent to conduct a genocide of German males which caused a counter effort of the Germans.  Refer back to the French Revolution attitude toward the Vendees.

These Jewish subjects, is that to strong a characterization? with massive military machines opened the genocide of Germany in an non-stop night and day bombing campaign against the civilian German people.  It was a holocaust of Germany.  Horrible.  The Germans retorted accordingly.  Equally horrible.

Nothing daunted the Jewish remnant, after the German fiasco conceived the notion of a genocide against ‘Whiteness’, that is, the Aryan race.  That is the final solution we find ourselves in today.

This remarkable reversal of roles will have been achieved over more that four thousand years of unremitting effort, the Ages of Aries, Pisces and now Aquarius.  Using the ‘colored’ peoples as their unwitting agents the whole world is now being directed to the genocide of ‘Whiteness.’

Genocide: As it was and is so it will be.

Thank you for listening.

The gathering stunned and aghast filed out.  The session was closed on that note.

The Enigmatic Bob Dylan

September 20, 2023

The Enigmatic Bob Dylan


R.E. Prindle

Before we begin this sketch of a part of Bob Dylan’s career it is necessary to set the stage on which he strutted about. 

Bob’s career began at the beginning of the nineteen sixties when he was a mere twenty years old, green, from the back woods, fresh out of high school. That means that his mind was formed from 1950 to 1959.  He was born on the edge of civilization in Hibbing Minnesota, up in the far North, deep in the woods.

In 1961 he left the woods, or, rather, the campus of the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis for the bright lights of New York City.  For an unsophisticated boy from the back country that was one giant leap.  Culture shock.  His guitar slung over his shoulder he meant to make it big in the Big Bagel as a phonograph record star.

Nineteen sixty was a seminal year in the history of the United States.  The country shifted gears and if you were paying attention you realized that you had just dropped through the rabbit hole.  Hello Alice, goodbye John Wayne.

The country was sort of born again leaving the United States as it had been from c. 1900 to that present.  The old guard was outraged that people like Bob Dylan could mix with them.  Two different worlds were clashing.

The US got big and very, very rich and degenerate.  There were certain big changes in the sixties.  Nineteen-sixty to nineteen sixty-four was a transitioning port into a crazy future that no one could have imagined.


At the end of nineteen sixty-three the President of the United States was assassinated.  A couple months later in Berkeley, California the Jewish students of the University staged the misnamed Free Speech Movement which was in fact an insurrection, or revolution.  That campus disturbance quickly spread across the country finding its center in NYC and Columbia University where it was stated that the issue wasn’t the issue, in other words free speech was not the issue but something else was.  Bob Dylan would represent that something although he wasn’t aware of it, but he quickly became the figurehead, the ‘voice of his generation.’  There was something happening but Bob didn’t know what it was.

Also, shortly after the assassination of President Kennedy in November of 1963 a strange thing happened in January of 1964 to the consciousness of the people of the US and perhaps the world.  The returning soldiers of World War two in which sixteen million men were impressed returned to a US that was in a shambles beginning in 1946.  Imagine 16 million men looking for jobs. The period from 1946 to 1956 was a realignment of the country.  The pre-war country no longer existed.  The ex-soldiers had to remake it and that meant suppressing the crazy youth who danced to rock and roll.  The doors closed for the young.  Elvis Presley blew them open.  In January of 1964 the youths of the world burst through the doors.

The charge was led from the country of England in the person of four yobboes, a rock group calling themselves The Beatles.  Numerous groups followed them and that was called the British invasion of the US.  The incredible thing was that the Beatles dominated the airwaves of radio and TV.  Politicians and everything else were pushed aside for musicians over the mind of the US.  The Beatles pushed US musicians aside and the best seller charts were dominated by English groups.  Music publishing profits crossed the Atlantic leaving US publishers holding an empty bag.

The US had no answer to these English yabboes so it pumped up Bob Dylan.  What great timing on the part of Bob.  He became America’s answer to the Beatles.  Bob carried the banner for the US but he had no idea what was happening.  So English yobboes and a hick from the backwoods changed the face of the world.  Wasn’t that amazing?

The next big step in the grand parade of the Sixties  was four years later in 1968.  The future had become the present.

The Berkeley Free Speech Movement of 1964 had expanded into a full scale social revolution.  This exuberance of 1968 would end the next year of 1969 at an abandoned destruction derby race track just outside of Oakland California called the Altamont.  The boil broke open and the pus flowed out.  That was end of the fabled Sixties.

Bobs’ position in this charade was to last for only five years but his impact was enormous.  What a five years for a nobody kid from the Minnesota backwoods.  He went from a high school student to the spokesman for his generation, a force to worshipped as a cult.  But the role was too difficult for him.  In 1966 after releasing what was the most sensational record set that the world had ever seen, ‘Blonde On Blonde, he disappeared from view becoming a reclusive in the village of Woodstock, New York.  He left a world panting for his next blockbuster LP.  While it seemed like a long wait his next record was released in 1967, more or less a year later, John Wesly Harding.  It wasn’t worth waiting for.  It was a bomb at the time. As were several other records he rushed out.  The magic was gone; his muse had moved on.

Still, his reputation was so strong as the spokesman of the generation he was still the Bob Dylan of his heyday in the minds of his followers.


Now let is gp back into the sixties and expand our horizon.

In 1954 the Supreme Court declared their decision of the case of Brown vs. The Schoolboard of Topeka Kansas compelling White People to accept the integration of Black People into public schools.  The Negro revolution was released.  Naturally the decision was resisted.  There was an eerie silence from 1954 to 1957 when the resistance was violently stamped out when then President Eisenhauer  mobilized the US Army to conduct a little Black girl dressed in pink into a school in Little Rock, Arkansas.

The US Army was mobilized in a sort of Martial Law to escort one little Black girl in pink into a school building.  The revolution was on and within ten years bombs were bursting in New York City while the Democratic convention of 1968 in Chicago was an active war zone.  The war called the Civil Rights Movement.

The so-called Free Speech Movement intensified in New York City moving downtown from Columbia University becoming the Civil Rights movement in Greenwich Village which would then involve the homosexual revolt which took shape in the homosexual battle with the police at the Stonewall bar in Greenwich Village in 1969.  The battle was decisive.  The homosexuals won the battle and the war while the effect was immediately accepted country wide.  The phonograph industry turned gay overnight.  Soon gay records termed Disco had replaced the Beatles and Bob Dylan over the airwaves of America.

All of these revolutions became one in the minds of Americans and were gathered into the rubric of a revolutionary group called the Weathermen originally morphing into the Weather Underground.  They broadened out into The Students for a Democratic Society they exploded unto campuses across the country.  They, in turn aligned themselves with the Cultural Revolution of Maoist China.  Thus by 1968 the whole US was in turmoil.  Bombs going off in NYC was nearly incessant while Negroes in Oakland California and the Bay Area were in shoot outs with government forces on a daily basis.

Nineteen sixty-eight, as has been noted was an election year.  Chicago was the designated convention city for the Democrats.  The Democratic Party was the revolutionary party and the revolutionists put on quite a show.  Now, the revolutionists were very organized and they saw that musicians could be used to convert the youth of America to a revolutionary state of mind.  They took over the recording industry.  The artists were susceptible to social pressure.  They were led into a mindset by the Negro revolution and the Civil Rights Movement.  It quickly became impossible to be a success unless you became subservient to the Civil Rights attitude thus they were easily led into aligning themselves with groups such as he Weathermen.  Bob Dylan, on his arrival in NYC had been co-opted into the Negro revolution and the Civil Rights Movement because the NYC Folk Music scene was unanimous in their support of both.  Hence to succeed he had to go along to get along.  Thus his early songs catered to the Negro psychology while he personally involved himself in civil rights activities.

In my opinion he wasn’t entirely sincere but there was no going back.  The Weathermen centered in NYC took Bob’s lyrics seriously and when formed they made Bob their figurehead, their idol.  Bob seemed to go along with it participating in some way with the group.  Thus he would probably have met the lunatic leader of the group, Bomber Bill Ayers, still active today (2023) while being drawn into the circle.

While the Weather Underground was extreme enough a group desiring even more action  splintered off from the Weather Underground under the name the Weather Organization.  These guys were a holy terror.  Bob also began to pal around with them.  Now,  the Jews of New York tolerated the Weather Underground but the Weather Organization was off the charts likely to create anti-Semitism  so they sacrificed the social acceptance of the Underground to commit major crimes.  The Organization was composed primarily of Jews so that the Jews disowned the Organization and Bob was quietly informed that he should not associate with them.  Bob thought it out and complied.  Still, he could move in the revolutionary circles.  This will become important for the year2001.

Bob was an important person in what was then known as the Counter Culture.  To be accepted in the Counter Culture one had to be or appear to be in sympathy with the revolutionary goals. People like Bill Ayers ingratiated themselves with him as did the music critic Greil Marcus and Rolling Stone Magazine editor Jan Wenner.

There were consequences for this revolutionary activity that was unsettling the United States, one might almost say, dissolving the Union, domestically while injuring the country’s international affairs by revolutionary interference in Viet Nam. 

John Lennon of the Beatles, who had been co-opted by the revolution mainly through the machinations of his looney girl friend Yoko Ono had come under the surveillance of the US government.  It was thought that he would lead an insurrection at the Republican presidential convention of 1972.  If he had thought to it didn’t come off.  Nevertheless the Nixon administration that won the election strenuously tried to have Lennon deported and banned from the country.  They were unable to do this but then Lennon was assassinated in 1980 ostensibly by a deranged fan but there were many who blamed President Nixon.

Bob, thoroughly tuned in and turned on had dropped out in mid-1966, he’d had enough, he threw it all away although coming back to life in 1967.  It was a new start, a New Morning as an album title said but the old Dylan had died metaphorically in 1966 when his muse kissed him goodbye and moved on to other lovers. 

The luck that had blessed Bob throughout those golden five years from 1961 -1966 was a thing of the past.  The new Bob begun by his record ‘John Wesly Harding’ was not embraced by the fans.  His sales, that were never robust dwindled away as a series of lackluster albums followed one after the other.  You had to be one of the cult.  The glitter of those five golden years had left a wonderful memory in the cult following.

However, the United States changed quickly after the immigration laws were changed in 1965 to allow the entire world to emigrate to US shores.  The Moslem world reacted enthusiastically sending hordes of immigrants from Iran to Yemen, from Algeria  to Palestine.  Millions flooded over the Southern border from Mexico, the Central American States and South America.  Chinese ships landed tens of thousands surreptitiously.  The United States began to dissolve and cease to be America.

All this was applauded by the revolutionaries and Bob seemed to be among them.  The Beatles had inaugurated a revolution of their own.  For the first time the world tour by musical groups was inaugurated.  In 1963 a tour of England was thought to be the acme of success.  Then in ’64 the tour was expanded to include the US and then in1966 came the around the world tour to cheering crowds.  For the Beatles that included the Philippines where their customary insouciance that had worked so well in Britain and the US almost cost them their lives.  The casual remark had incensed the authorities  causing the Beatles to make a run for their lives to the airport.  It was close.  Their passports were stamped ‘no return.’

The glamor of a world tour was such that Bob Dylan had to follow suit so that soon relatively insignificant groups were trooping around the world.  Ed Sullivan, on his TV show, after introducing the Beatles to America  brought musical act after musical act to his show from England with the quality diminishing until he brought Freddie and the Dreamers.  They should have been left dreaming in England.

Freddie more or less completed the British Invasion.  All these Yobboes  set an example for American youth.  High school drop outs were pontificating about international politics while promoting drug use.

Now the Left had captured the entire phonograph industry. An artist or group had to go along with the agenda to get along.  Any itinerant artist or group that has need to travel and especially any that to travel around the world is going to recruited by some organization whether the CIA, Mossad or MI6 or the revolutionaries to carry messages and coordinate activities.  The revolutionaries were all infiltrated by the authorities who kept close tabs.

Eric Burdon formerly of the Animals (a recording group) made a suspicious comment on German TV and was held for weeks in prison by the authorities before being released.  It may be believed that Bob Dylan was such a courier.  He was firmly coopted by the group around Jan Wenner and Rolling Stone Magazine.  He was definitely involved with Greil Marcus and through Marcus with Bomber Billy Ayers, hence the Weather Underground, and through Ayers he was introduced to the soon to be President of the United States, Barack Obama. Then back to Jan Wenner and Rolling Stone magazine.   Being Jewish he was also protected.  Wenner and Marcus were also Jewish.  Barack Obama was a protégée of Bomber Billy.

Now, US relations with the Moslem world had been strained and tenuous for decades even as hordes entered the United States after 1965, Thus even as tensions were flaring between the two the US elected to bring millions of hostile Moslems into the country.  Suddenly Moslems were everywhere.  Once inside the US Moslems would become familiar with methods and customs.  They saw how easy it was to play upon our attitudes.  Protected from criticism on religious grounds as Semites, Moslems went to work to undermine the US.  Their prime target was the symbol of superiority, the Twin Towers of New York Citiy’s World Trade Center, the then tallest buildings of the world. The fit with Bill Ayers Weather Underground was perfect.  Both agreed:  Those towers had to come down.

A first attempt in the 1990s to bomb the foundations was futile although the bomb was powerful.  The Moslems fumed While domestic dissidents such as the Weather Organization and Underground saw opportunities.  This would include Bomber Billy Ayers and his Chicago auxiliaries, along with his protegee Barack Obama, Greil Marcus and mascot, Bob Dylan, while revolution central was Rolling Stone Magazine with Jan Wenner.  What happened to the Towers seems to be very simple.  The connection is Saudi Arabia. 

There is a strong probability that the US administration of George Bush was involved.  As amazing as it may seem, after the first bombing precautions seemed to have been relaxed rather than being reinforced.  No effort was made to find the bombers.  A free pass. The US seemed to have opened its arms to the conspirators if not allied with them.  Watching as citizens many of us were holding our breath waiting for the other shoe to drop.  There had to be a second attempt.  The shoe hit the floor on 9/11/01/.   The fall of the Towers  signaled the beginning of the New World Order; the United States had participated in it own decline from leadership of the ‘arsenal of democracy..’  The Great Reset, the New World Order was underway.   

The Towers were a powerful symbol of American Supremacy.  After their fall the symbols was replicated all over East Asia and amazing towers were erected.  Malaysia created a new Twin Towers with an actual sky bridge symbolically connecting the two perhaps indicating that East and West were then connected.  In a fit of supreme madness the Moslems erected a half mile high useless building built on sands dredged from the Persian Gulf. As a symbol it trumpeted the supremacy of the Moslem World.

The US couldn’t compete; it threw in the towel settling for a 1776  foot tower that feebly symbolized I know not what.

The conspiratorial web is too complex to unravel in detail.  That it should be almost an open secret with so many disparate groups involved seems to be incredible.  An active Moslem clique then connected up with revolutionary US groups in New York City.  Their obvious plan included the recruitment of a non-entity named Barack Obama to make him the first Negro president of the United States.  You can see Ayers mind at work here.

It was such an improbable and audacious plan as to make an observer laugh. But…the plan worked.  Consider that Obama was a complete nobody who had never done anything including graduating from college. 

As a first move they succeeded in entering him in the Harvad Law School.  Obama had never even thought of becoming a lawyer.  The promotion began quickly when they persuaded a publisher to give this non-entity a hundred thousand dollar advance for Obama’s  rather slender auto-biography.  One would think that the publisher was wasting the money but lo! And behold, their money was returned a thousand fold.  You know even at this point and we’re just beginning, although we know the outcome, especially because we know the outcome, Obama’s story may be the most preposterous and incredible story ever told.

Did Obama ‘graduate’ from Harvard Law School?  Maybe.  But maybe   the most prestigious university in the US just gave him the diploma at the prescribed time and sent him on his way to Chicago.  In the fold with Ayers and his Chicago consortium Obama was given a professor ship at the second most prestigious University in the US, the University of Chicago, founded by the Rockefellers.  From then on it was the Yellow Brick Road that led to Washington DC and the Presidency.  So easy it was ridiculous.

As I say, the Moslems connected up with the US revolutionary groups of the Weather organizations including Rolling Stone Magazine to give them advice and planning.  The whole scheme would be done in the open, at least, beneath the observation of the FBI.  There may be a question as to whether the FBI knew when the attack would take place although they certainly knew how and from where.

Twenty domestic Moslems were recruited as suicide bombers, they would direct the planes once in the air from the Boston airport.  These fellows weren’t particularly discreet, there was a tension in the air that something was imminent.  It was a very strange time.  Nevertheless, as immigrants, the airport clerks were given strict orders to let them pass.  In those days, as now,  the immigrants were given very preferential treatment as natives assumed a second class role.

Once in the air the Arabs, they were all Saudis seized control of the planes. 

As the intended bombing was a sort of open secret, a lot of people knew that the Towers were to be bombed on that day, preparatory to the bombing motion picture cameras were set up in an advantageous place to film the actual collision of the planes with the towers. The cameras were filming well before the crashes so that perhaps the bombers were in contact with the land crews.

The first plane could be seen tracking into the first tower just below the top.  The plane was turning into a fire ball as it entered the building.  The tower didn’t even quiver from the contact as it was built to withstand to withstand just such an event.  The cameras remained filming as the operators knew a second plane was on the way.  Some minutes later it too was filmed tracking into the second tower.  As the first tower hadn’t fallen, as obviously was anticipated,  the second plane entered a few stories lower, in an incredible fire ball.

The towers did fall into own footprints, down within seconds. The only possible way for that to happen was for the four corner points to fall simultaneously for each floor.  That was made possible by the bombing of the points on each floor that exploded synchronously.  A very successful piece of work that only could have been done from inside operators.  In other words, everybody that should have known, knew, and did nothing to prevent it.  An inside job.

We, the nation, watched the instant replays, over and over as though someone was laying back smoking a cigar and chuckling to themselves.  This was dirty work.

The explosive puffs appeared at all four corners  and each floor in accelerating speed as the buildings disappeared in an incredible cloud of dust that drifted over the island of Manhattan.  We watched with horror as the towers evaporated, over and over again in endless replays on our TVs, from coast to coast, from North to South.  We had the sickening feeling that nothing would be done and nothing was.  Over the TV we heard out President say, ‘Oh pooh, it’s nothing go out shopping.’  And the day after was one of the busiest shopping days of the year.

To repeat, obviously the corners on each floor of both towers had been mined.  Radio signals from some distance must have synchronously set the mines off.  The hijackers who couldn’t even fly the big Mainliners could not have coordinated the bombings.  They were just tools sent to their deaths.  Thus the US government must have been involved in the destruction.  Were they too tools of the Saudis.

Four planes had been hijacked simultaneously, the other two planes of which one’s destination was the pentagon and the other the White house required more skill while the targets were not that simple. The plane destined for the Pentagon had to come in at ground level which it did causing minimal damage.  The last plane destined for the White House crashed in Pennsylvania as brave passengers attempted to reclaim the plane from the hijackers.  May a monument be erected to them.  May their names be, at least, recorded.

A sheer coincidence of course, but President Bush was absent from DC at that time reading fairy tales to kindergartners in Florida. He too was televised reading to the children as an agent entered the room to advise him of the towers.  He didn’t seem to dismayed, he just got up and left those poor children in midstory. 

Now, the number of people who knew in advance what was to happen was fairly enormous and wide spread.  The FBI had to have known, you can’t even begin to form a conspiratorial group of patriots that isn’t immediately infiltrated by numerous agents, as wide spread as informed people were the FBI simply refused to act.  The Israeli Mossad knew, the British intelligence knew, US intelligence must have known.  Hell, President Bush knew or he wouldn’t have been in Florida reading fairy tales to kindergartners.  The US revolutionists knew well in advance and were involved at some level, possibly as camera crews and such.  Specifically I’m referring to Bomber Billy Ayers, Barack Obama, Greil Marcus, Bob Dylan and Jan Wenner of Rolling Stone Magazine.

‘Well, but how do you know that? You ask incredulously.  I will explain.

On April 5th, 2009 I published an article on my WordPress blog titled Greil Marcus, Bob Dylan, Bill Ayers and Barack Obama.

Bomber Billy Ayers was and is the most evil person in America.  His is a vast empire probably involving tens of thousands of people, you may be sure he has something to do with antifa.  I don’t know what his involvement is with the ‘woke’ conspirators  but I’m sure it can be traced back to the Weathermen.  You can see the power of ‘wokeism’ in the fact that they can burn down whole cities with impunity as in Minneapolis, you can see that they can terrorize a great city for months on end while attempting to destroy federal courthouses, you can see them attack the police with extreme brutality and the fully armed police back down as they are told to do by the local politicians.  You can see them frame police officers and have them sent to prison with unconscionable long sentences merely for attempting to do the job they were hired to do, that is, deal with the criminal element of society. 

The criminals are protected from above in our society.

Bill Ayers, the Bomber Boy, began his criminal career based on the songs of Bob Dylan.  He most certainly was involved in the bombing of the towers.  As he said when through the influence of a cadre of his Chicago influential people after being tried for many of his crimes and exonerated:  ‘Guilty as hell and free as a bird.’  Only in America.  He may be seen trampling on a flat in a dirty Chicago alley.

Greil Marcus, a Rock and Roll critic and associate of Bob Dylan and Jan Wenner, his publisher, became revolutionary for an odd reason.  During the Pacific theater his mother conceived him during a brief affair with a Navy officer resulting in the birth of Greil.  As fate would have it his father, that he had never known died,       quite honorably when his ship sank in a typhoon off the Philippines.  A real whopper.  Greil blamed the US Navy as a cold blooded murderer developing a hatred of the US.

His mother later married his stepfather who gave Greil his name.  his stepfather was wealthy living in the most expensive city on the San Francisco Peninsula. He provided Greil with the means of a great life.  One should have such a step-father.

Greil then attended the University of California at Berkeley, the envy of every California student, where he saw Bob Dylan perform, was entranced, and more or less then devoted his life to promote Bob and his supposed vision of America.  They were both Jews, thus indoctrinated and conditioned in the same way.  As a revolutionist he was first a member of the French revolutionary group, the Situationists, became its leader on the death of its former leader.  He as well as Bob Dylan received the French Legion of Honor award upon the accession of Sarkozy as President,  thus those three were on the same wave length.  What they did for France to receive the honor is not clear to me, but there must have been a reason, as the awards were one of Sarkozy’s first acts much as Obamas giving Dylan the American equivalent award on his election as President of the United States.

Greil would write an article for Jan Wenner of Rolling Stone Magazine commemorating the bombing of the Towers, to be discussed presently.

Dylan’s inclusion in the group is due to the release of his Love and Theft album on, yes, 9/11//01.Coincidence?  Well, we have too many coincidences going on here and all within the same small group.

And then we have the hapless next president of the United States, Barack Obama, who was part of this group. Obama at the time he was recruited was a student at Columbia University of New York City.  How he came to anyone’s attention is a matter for wonder.  Remember his impressionable years had been spent as a Moslem in Indonesia.  Naturally he fell in with Mohammadans  and the violent US hating Weather people, thus thee conspirators came together.  In one of the most audacious plots in history Ayers, the Weather Underground and Moslem activists conspired to make Obama President of the US.  Obama at Occidental College in LA and at Columbia had been a mediocre student.  There is a question as to whether he ever graduated from Columbia, yet he found himself entered as  a law student at prestigious Harvard University from which he did graduate giving him instant credibility.  What the machinations were that got him there aren’t clear but he got all the honors, plus he was sought out by a publisher and given a one hundred thousand dollar advance for his autobiography.  Thus he had money to live in the appropriate style.  We’re talking miracles here and we’re just beginning.

Graduating from law school his backers, perhaps by now being, I’m guessing, the Saudis and most likely a consortium of moneyed Chicagoans, obtained for him a professorship at the University of Chicago to, get this, lecture on Constitution law.  From there to the Senate of Illinois and within a couple years the Senate of the United States. And at one bound straight to the Presidential office.  What kind of odds would Vegas have given when at Occidental  that he was going to be Pres.  Just think about this in real terms and it will boggle your mind.  Jesus never had so easy.

On 9/11/01 he was palling around with Greil Marcus and the prince of the Boomers. Bob Dylan.

Now, the Bomber, Billy Ayers had his own biography scheduled to be released on 9/11/01 but because of a slip up it was released a day early.  Dylans Love And Theft LP was released on schedule on 9/11 so as the Towers were falling and sinking into the ground the conspirators could have been reading the Bombers autobiography and listening to Bob Dylan singing his song of triumph ‘High Water’.   In 1963 he sang to the congressmen that the waters were rising in his song ‘The Times They Are A ‘Changin.’ An now he sang that the waters were six inches over their heads.  They were drowning men and women.  Is your head spinning yet?

Greil Marcus’ and Jan Wenner’s contributions were on the way.  Marcus’ contribution was an article in Wenner’s Rolling Stone Magazine titled in reference to Dylan’s song, ‘High Water Everywhere.’  Marcus was reviewing neither the album or the song however..  He was celebrating the triumph of the destruction of the symbols of the US world hegemony. 

What Marcus did was extract 14 quotes from various places that essentially celebrated the World Trade Center catastrophe as the sinking of the United States, ‘high water everywhere.’  Thus he quotes Dylan’s ‘High Water Rising’ night and day:

All the gold and silver being stolen away,

Big Joe Turner (Negro singer) looking east and west

From the dark rooms of his mind.

He made it to Kansas City, Twelfth Street and Vine.

Nothing standing there.

Another telling quote, almost deranged considering the circumstances was from an obscure 1998 novel ‘The Last Good Kiss’ by James Crumbly.  Note the extreme sadism in its quoting.  The intense hatred is stunning.


‘You don’t know where she is?’ I asked.  He shrugged again, and I said, ‘OK!’  I let the automatic dangle from my hand as a I waited for a jet making the final approach over the motel.  ‘Last chance,’  I said.  He shook his head, but his eyes smiled.  He might be a piece of shit but Jackson had some balls on him.  Either that or he was more frightened of his associates than he was of me.  That was a real mistake on his part.  When the landing jet swept over the motel, I leaned down and pumped two rounds into his right foot.

“You don’t have to shoot him twice,”  Traherne said.

“Once to get his attention,’ I said, and once to let him know I was serious.”


Greil then follows this with his Dylan quote ‘High water rainin’ night and day…’  Now that he has our attention, the second shot, ie. the second tower.   Also reaffirming his connection to Bob Dylan.

Dylan and Marcus were great friends, both Jews,  Greil might be called a sycophant of Dylan.  Dylan later said that they weren’t that close but Marcus was the only rock critic he mentioned in his novel cum memoir ‘Chronicles One.’ of 2004

Ayers named his Weathermen after Dylan’s song ‘Ain’t Gonna Work On Maggie’s Farm No More.’  Maggie’s Farm being a stand in for the US, at least in Ayers’ mind. 

I find it difficult that these people didn’t know each other and fairly well.  Wenner of Rolling Stone claims to know each of them as though they were great buddies.  Of course Marcus was a regular contributor to Rolling Stone while Wenner interviewed Dylan more than once; Ayers drew Dylan in through the Weathermen with whom Dylan associated while Ayes sponsored Obama in Chicago; he would naturally introduce Obama to the others as the first Black President to which they all would accord their approval.

All obviously knew beforehand that the Towers would be bombed and were enthusiastic for it.  Mind, I don’t say that they participated  in setting up the plan, except possibly Ayers.  The Saudi wouldn’t have been familiar enough with American customs and mores to manage the complexities of the plan so that Ayers and his Weather Underground may have been complicit on that level.  It was a gleeful moment when the towers fell.

Listen to Ayers talking:  ‘Everything was ideal on the day I bombed the Pentagon.’  As the autobiography of Ayers, from which this quote was taken was intended for issue on 9/11, the Pentagon was bombed and Ayers might have fantasied he did it.  Indeed it is not impossible that the Pentagon was included at his behest.

In Marcus’ quote from Crumbly’s novel  the two shots in the foot are symbols of the twin towers.  Once to get our attention and twice to show the conspirators were serious.  And serious they have turned out to be.

And then Greil Marcus closes his article with the line from Herman Melville’s novel Moby Dick after the Great White Whale Moby Dick had sunk Ahab’s ship.  ‘The ship?  Great God, where is the ship.’  The ship   was gone but then a coffin that had been on deck broke free and shot up erupting into the air then settling back into the ocean as the last remaining evidence of the ship.  Ahab’s ship being a symbol for the United States  in Marcus’, Ayers’s, Dylan’s, Wenner’s and Obama’s minds.

Century Society Notes 8/25/2023


R.E. Prindle

This session we will take a break from the Aries/Pisces cusp to investigate the Pisces/Aquarius cusp of the present day.

To clarify the Zodiacal position of the Great Year: the last Ice Age ended in the Age of Leo according to the Sumerian records and that resulted in the Great Flood as the frozen waters were released beginning the rise of the sea levels.

Let me take a moment here to put the Biblical accounts of the flood with which we are all familiar into perspective.  The Hebrews or Jews had no memory of the flood.  They came into existence only at the cusp of Taurus and Aries hence all biblical accounts are adapted from original records for Jewish purposes.  For a more accurate representation of Genesis one has to go to Taurian accounts of the Mesopotamian peoples.  For these peoples the Zodiac was basic to their religion.  The Jews rejected the tenets of that religion.

Thus the Flood had nothing to do with forty days of rain etc.  While the cause of the Flood was not known it was remembered.

With the bursting of the glacial flood the waters rose quickly obliterating the existing civilization of the lowlands and valleys such as the Persian Gulf.  This became the Eden of Mesopotamian and hence Jewish lore.

The Age of Leo therefor represents the beginning of Spring of the Great Year and  the rise of sea levels from approximately -500 feet to our present level.  Leo, Cancer and Gemini are therefor the first quarter of the Great Year.  Taurus, Aries and Pisces represent the second quarter or the Summer of the Great Year.  Aquarius, Capricorn and Sagittarius represent the third quarter or Autumn of the Great Year and Scorpio, Libra and Virgo represent the Winter or Ice Age of the Great Year. 

So, we are at the beginning of the Age of Aquarius, that is the tail end of the Summer of the Great Year, naturally we are in the hottest part of the Great Year, or the equivalent of August of the annual year.

An Age is twenty-one and some years of centuries.  Our well being depends on how we plan for the coming twenty-one centuries.  The high point of humanity’a lives have been the Ages of Aries and Pisces.  Whether we survive Aquarius is problematical.  Consider the history of mankind over the last twenty-one hundred years of Pisces and try to imagine humanity’s journey through the twenty-one hundred years of Aquarius.  The first quarter of the Age will be warmer than the last quarter and cooler than it is now.  We will then enter Global Cooling and can put Global Warming to rest.  Sea levels will stabilize or possibly begin lower toward levels which will again be -500 feet from today.

The Ages of Aries and Pisces allowed mankind to prosper.  Those conditions were ideal, or as ideal as they will ever be.  As conditions became amenable and mankind’s mental abilities improved so did living conditions, but it was slow work.

The Age of Pisces began for mankind as an era of religious superstition and ended as scientific knowledge even though religious superstition was still prevalent.  However science and its attendant technological advantages got out of hand and destructive in its maturity so that the environment if not already destroyed is on the edge of destruction so that humanity itself will not survive in its current configuration.

The population of the world is eight billion plus while showing no evidence of pausing in its growth so that within the first quarter of Aquarius, probably early in the quarter the planet will not be able to support its human population while the animal population will be eliminated except for scavengers  like rats and other small rodents.  So, addressing the population explosion should take first priority.  There are no solutions that are palatable to the human psyche.  That involves a genocide on a massive scale.  Obviously the reduction of the population from eight billion to one billion or less is the desired result.  I leave it to you to ponder that reality.

Science and technology have created a situation in which all the resources, including water are being rapidly consumed, shamefully wasted, even sent into space.  One cannot imagine more than one hundred years into Aquarius before everything has been consumed.  Now Society is based on absolute mobility both short and long.  In other words one is able to almost immediately cross town in automobiles in a matter of minutes.  Without automobiles it might be a day trip

In every day matters such as hospitals and grocery stores I can reach a superb hospital within ten minutes.  Without a car this mere five miles to that hospital might be a morning walk.  Therefor I would be dead before I reached the hospital,  if I could even attempt it.

Grocery shopping would be a day’s effort while being incredibly difficult as I would have to push or pull a wagon.  In my case that would mean pushing or pulling the cart up a steep hill.  Out of the question.  Thus society would have to be transfigured from its current sprawl into compact units much as existed before 1950.

At present untold numbers of people are able by buying an airplane ticket to transfer themselves immense distances of four, eight, ten or fifteen thousand miles to points of the globe in a few to fifteen hours.  One can go from Seattle to London for instance and back in one day.  That will all cease probably in the first fifty years of Aquarius, if not sooner.  Thus, it will be said:  There’s no place like home.

One sees that the Aries-Pisces  Cusp that brought on immense changes will be nil compared to the Pisces/Aquarius Cusp.  Our discussions at the Society age getting more lively with every passing day.

The present and its future are very exciting.

Welcome to the Age of Aquarius.

Puzzling Out The Nature Of Jesus


R.E. Prindle

Perhaps the most difficult and significant religious problem in religion is the nature of Jesus.  That nature can be divided into two parts: one is his role as the avatar of the Age of Pisces and the other is his role as the Savior,  the ‘historical’ Jesus.  The ancient basal astronomical religion represented by the Zodiac is the pavement under all Western religions.

There will perhaps be objections to my introducing the role of the Zodiac into the problem; however the Zodiac played a large role in the religious life in ancient history.  The Zodiac is both a religious symbol and a calendar or time keeping devise. The transition points between the Ages is fraught with danger.  One only has to examine the transition points between Taurus and Aires and from Aires to Pisces to see great points of conflict.  That between Pisces and Aquarius is shaping up to be worse than the former two..

The ancients well before the current Great Year had worked out the astronomical fact of the Great Year.  While they might not yet have had the ability to work out the whys and wherefores with their limited knowledge, they understood that a Great Year of 25,900 years or so corresponded with the wobble of the earth caused by the Plane of the Ecliptic as we now understand.  Just as the annual year was divided  into twelve months, on the principle of as above, so below, the Great Year was divided into twelve Ages of 2100 and some odd years.

To identify the Ages of the Great Year they organized great star constellations ordered around the earth.  Thus, as the wobble progressed the sun rose in the stars of each Age.  As a religious symbol each Age was ruled by a male and female avatar.  Thus, in the Ages crucial to our history are those of Leo, Cancer, Gemini, Taurus, Aries, Pisces and now Aquarius.  Six Ages add up to a half year, thus as Leo begins the Spring of the Great Year so Aquarius begins the Fall.  Many see the Zodiac as a fortune telling device but the ancients used it differently so that to understand the problem we have to view it in their context.

So there were twelve pairs of gods to reign over the twelve signs.  Twelve thus became a sacred number as in twelve tribes of Israel, twelve gods of Greece posited by Homer and so on.  The Greek avatars of Taurus and Aries are quite clear and the avatar of Gemini is faintly visible.  The three represent six thousand three hundred plus years

The avatar for Gemini was Uranus, for Taurus Cronus and for Aires Zeus, for the coming Piscean Age, Dionysus was scheduled.

The world problem down to our times was at the transit from Taurus to Aires.  The Age of Aires Is actually the period of the rise of mankind.

As it was supposed, the transit was to a new sky and a new earth.  In other words the stars of the constellation of Aries were different than the stars of the constellation of Taurus, thus a new sky.

It was then expected that as the constellations changed above so people would adopt the new avatars as their gods.  As the stars represent the primordial universal religion of mankind all peoples did,own  except one splinter group of Asians, the proto-Jews.  They maintained that Saturn, the avatar of Taurus was an eternal unchanging god.  They continued to worship Saturn thus cutting themselves off from mankind.

It took a millennium  for the name Jews to be affixed to these people who were known then as Hebrews.  This people was known as a peculiar people and they have remained so through the Ages.  Taurus, Aries, Pisces and as we transit to the New Age, Aquarius.

Prior to Aries the Jews were of the great tribe of Semites from all the Semites occupying Mesopotamia, happy as clams of the Age of Saturn, Taurus.  The Jews were however obstinate they were demanding and not giving.  What was the solution to the problem?  Quite simply expulsion.  The Jews were driven out.  Problem solved, right?  Not quite.  The stage was merely set for the next act.

Now things get really difficult to explain.

The Jews were now hurt in their amour propre.  How to explain their rejection to themselves.  Not so difficult.  They were simply correct and the majority was wrong.  Four thousand years later this is still their position.  They believe themselves incredibly intelligent and the rest of the world irredeemably stupid.  They were the master people, not the subordinate.  But, not content with just believing that, they had to dominate.

The ancients had colleges of priests to maintain  nearly timeless memories. The priests remembered Astronomical things such as the Zodiac and passed the information down generation to generation.  The Jews became in their own imagination ‘a nation of priests.’  They realized that they were a small minority so that a plan of action was necessary.  They needed to be a large nation so the plan was to go forth and multiply, in modern terms, to weaponize their population..  As an example by the time of the Roman Empire they may have been the largest nation by number in existence, because they had gone forth and multiplied.  They were present throughout all of the cities of the Roman Empire.  They had a very large presence in Rome itself,  millions in Egypt, hundreds of thousands in Anatolia and the Perian Empire.

The priests had devised methods to keep the satellite settlements unassimilable so that the that the nation remained loyal.  It would be silly to believe that the settlements were undifferentiated from each other just as in the US today New York Jews are different from LA Jews, etc., but they remained united.  They were all Jews. But we are time traveling here a little; matters have to progress from their expulsion from Ur of the Chaldees.  It was a long haul down the Age of Aries, twenty-one hundred years.  Just as now we are looking at twenty-one hundred down the Age of Aquarius and not planning very well.

Their career did progress as it had begun. Next they had a layover at Padan Aram, another great religious center.  Here they were caught swindling their masters with some absurd, impossible scheme.  Expelled again.  The pattern develops.

If I am correct this last expulsion coincided with the volcanic eruption of the island of Thera in the Aegean Sea.  This was the defining event of the Age of Aries.  The eruption was immense wearing the majorityof a fairly gigantic volcano down below sea level.  The ash distribution was wide and immense and it went on for a long time.  The winds  must have been the Western Zephyr, if in Summer, or the Boreal blast if in winter.  Ash was delivered in large quantities over the cities of the Near East and probably in some quantity over Egypt.

It is very likely at this time that the Jews escaped from Padan Aram.  As they progressed down through what would become Palestine crops buried in ash created a great famine so that the Jews continued on down to Egypt.  So in about 1600 BC they entered Egypt and stayed for about 400 years down to 1200 BC

How to characterize their presence in Egypt.  The end result of their behavior matched their beginning and that or Padon Aram and  would be repeated in their expulsion from Spain in mid Pisces.  Remember that their expulsion from Ur of the Chaldees was caused by the inability to accept the authority  of the priestly castes of which they undoubtedly had members  and this intransigeance was probably abetted by violent behavior.  Throughout the Arien Age the Jews in all their various locations were noted for tearing down other religions altars backed by a belligerent attitude.

In Egypt also they disdained Egyptian religious practices.  The Egyptians had large classes of sacred animals  which were protected from killing.  The Jews scoffed at the idea of sacred animals and refused to honor the practice killing them at will.  This offence was added to all their other refusals to honor Egyptian customs.  They mocked Egyptian skills claiming theirs were better.  If you have a Christian background you will remember the contest between Moses and the Egyptian magicians for instance in which according to the Jews they won hands down.  The Egyptian side of the contest hasn’t surfaced yet.

They put themselves in competition with the Egyptians in such a manner according to them that the Pharaoh noticing that their population was growing so inordinately fast that they might outnumber his own people while bring greatly  superior took action.  Thus, he declared the Slaughter of the Innocents.  He decreed the slaughter of all new born Jewish  boy children.  This, of course, incensed the Jews who were not slow to develop defensive measures.

I interject a passage from Rabbi Louis Ginzberg’s amazing compilation, ‘The Legends of the Jews’  pp.207-208.  This is longish but amazing:


The king then spoke to Job, and said:  “What sayest thou, Job, and what is thy advice respecting the Hebrews?”  Job replied: “Behold, all the inhabitants of the land are in thy power:  Let the king do as seemeth good in his eyes.”

Balaam was the last to speak at the behest of the king, and he said:  “From all that the king may devise against the Hebrews, they will be delivered.  If thou thinkest to diminish them by the flaming fire, thou wilt not prevail over them, for their god delivered Abraham their father from the furnace in which the Chaldeans cast him.  Perhaps thou thinkest to destroy them with a sword, but their father Isaac was delivered from being slaughtered by the sword.  And if thou thinkest  to reduce them through hard and rigorous labor, thou wilt also not prevail. For their father Joseph served Laban in all manner of hard and rigorous labor, and yet he prospered.  If it please the king, let him order all the male children that shall be born in Israel this day forward to be thrown into the water.  Thereby canst thou wipe out their name, for neither any of them nor any of their fathers was tried in this way.’


Balaam’s advice was accepted by Pharaoh and the Egyptians.  They knew that God pays measure for measure, therefore they believed that the drowning of the men children would be the safest means of exterminating the Hebrews, without incurring harm themselves, for the Lord said unto Noah to never again destroy the world by water.  Thus, they assumed, they would be exempt from punishment, where in they were wrong, however.  In the first place, though the Lord had sworn not to bring a flood upon men, there was nothing in the way of bringing men into a flood.  Furthermore, the oath of God applied to the whole of mankind, not to a single nation. The end of the Egyptians was that they met their death in the billows of the Red Sea.  “Measure for measure”—as they had drowned the men children of the Israelites, so they were drowned.

Pharaoh now took steps to the faithful execution of his decree.  He sent the bailiffs into the houses of the Israelites, to discover all new born children, wherever they might be.  To make sure that the Hebrews should not succeed in keeping the children hidden, the Egyptians hatched a devilish plan.  Their women were to take their little ones to the houses of the Israelitish women that were suspected of having infants.  When the Egyptian children began to cry or coo, the Hebrew children kept in hiding would join in, after the manner of babies  and betray their presence, where upon the Egyptians would seize them and bear them off.

Furthermore Pharoah commanded that the Israelitish women employ none but  Egyptian midwives, who were to secure precise information as to the time of their delivery, and were to exercise great care, and let no male child escape their vigilance alive.  If there should be parents that evaded  the command and preserved a new-Born boy in secret, they and all belonging to them were to be killed.

Is it to be wondered at then, that many of the Hebrews kept themselves away from their wives?  Nevertheless those who put their trust in God were not forsaken by Him.  The women who remained united to their husbands would go out into the field when their time of delivery arrived, and give birth to their children and leave them there, while they themselves returned home.  The Lord who had sworn unto their ancestors to multiply them, sent one of His angels to wash the babes, anoint them, stretch their limbs and swathe them.  Then he would give them two small pebbles, from one of which they sucked milk, and from the other honey.  And God caused the hair of the infants to grow down to their knees and serve them as a protective garment, and then he ordered the earth to receive the babes, that they be sheltered therein until their time of growing up, when it would open its mouth and vomit forth the children, and they would sprout up like the herb of the field and the grass of the forest.  Thereafter each would return to his family and the house of his father.

When the Egyptians saw this, they went forth every man to his field, with his yoke of oxen, and they ploughed up the earth, as one plows it at seed time.  Yet they were unable to do harm to the infants of the children of Israel that had been swallowed and lay in the bosom of the earth.  Thus the people of Israel increased and waxed exceedingly.  And Pharaoh ordered his officers to go to Goshen, to look for the male babes of the children of Israel and when they discovered one, they tore him from his  mother’s breast by force and thrust him into the river.  But no one is so valiant  as to be able to foil God’s purposes, though he contrive ten thousand subtle devices unto that end.  The child foretold by Pharaoh’s  dreams and by his astrologers was brought up and kept concealed from the king’s spies. It came to pass after the following manner.


That was the prequel to the birth of Moses. So Moses is more than likely a fictional character and an impossible one.  Who was Moses supposed to  be?  Let’s follow his story through.

He’s a proscribed baby boy, so was Zeus.  He was buried in mother earth.  He was given stones of milk and honey to suck on for sustenance for eighteen to twenty one years.

  Zeus was proscribed and born in a cave with goddesses as nursemaids.

Moses was dug up, miraculously finding his way to parents he had never seen as with their house.

An alternate version says that the Egyptians found him as a baby and thrust him into the river to be rescued by an Egyptian Princess, thus  becoming an Egyptian Prince.  Sargon of Mesopotamia followed this prescription also.

Having  been received by Mother Earth Moses was subsequently raised to the highest level on a mountain top much like the Greek Zeus where he was greeted by God, talked to him, gazed on his face and given twin tablets that he dropped on the way down the mountain so that he had to go back for two replacements.  These contained innocuous commandments that were common everywhere and certainly in Egypt in which the Jews had been living for 400 years, and remember Moses was reared by Egyptians thus knowing little of Jewish customs.  He was as a stranger to them.

At the time of death on the brink of the promised land he disappeared no one knew where.  With his association to  the Zodiac through Zeus, the Greek avatar of Aires, I would project that he was intended to be the ‘eternal’ god Saturn who didn’t die on the cusp of Aires but lived in the Jewish mind and who would soon be replaced by Jesus on the cusp of Pisces.  While Saturn failed to displace Zeus in Aires, Jesus/Saturn would replace Zeus’ intended successor Dionysus/Osiris combined into one entity.  Two vegetation gods.  Thus Jesus/Saturn the Jewish candidate displaced the vegetation god of the Hellenic/Egyptian candidates.  Thus, the Jews proved to their satisfaction that Saturn was eternal over three signs and we’ll see what happens in the Age of Aquarius.

Now, at the time of Moses in Rabbi Ginzberg’s styling, who says he has examined all existing Jewish texts to compile his rather magnificent ‘The Legends of the Jews’, the Jews were in full revolt against Pharaoh.  Pharaoh,  exasperated, drove the Jews out of Egypt.

That may be true, but this scene in the life of the Jews took place c. 1200 BC when the Middle East was in turmoil and Egypt was beleaguered in the Delta and by invading Asians by land.  I coordinate these events to have taken place after the Greek destruction of the holy city of Troy.  Thus fleeing Trojan bands might easily have ejected various locations driving the peoples into Egypt as it were creating mass chaos. The Greek leader,  Menelaus, is said to have taken his troops down to Egypt rather than going home.  Thus it is possible that in the chaos the Jews were simply ejected over the overland route as part of the general warfare.  But, once again the Jews suffered expulsion adding to their ferocity.  The record is lengthening.

Remember that we are dealing with immense swatches of time.  In a rather bloodthirsty entry of the Jews into Palestine involving various genocides and total destruction they established themselves from c. 1200 Bc to 486 BC..  In 486 in a war with Babylon Jerusalem was leveled and the population trekked off to captivity. Woe, but another expulsion.  Babylon fell to the Persians about 436 B.C. and any Israelis who wished could return to Jerusalem, a smattering of people did while the majority chose to remain with the fleshpots of Babylon which were substantial.  Thus over the remainder of Aires of four hundred years the Jews formed a very large population in the Persian Empire quite independent of those in, shall we now call it, Israel?  Actually the term Israel is applied to the Jewish people, while the land of Israel is so named aftter its people.  At the time the land would have been  called Judaea.

Don’t get too comfortable in your seat because change is ever the law in the world and we’ve got a lot of changes coming up.

After Alexander of Macedon conquered the Eastern end of the Mediterranean and extended his conquest to the Aryan settlements of India he had achieved the near universal State of the ancient world.  The Hellenic world was united but only temporarily for Alexander died on his return, the Empire was divided among his generals.  The General Seleucus took all lands that lay above Egypt including Israel.  His bad luck.

The conquest introduced the Greek style of civilization to the Eastern Med where it was warmly received by everyone including a large portion of Israelites called the Sadducees.  The Jewish reactionary party was called the Pharisees.   The Seleucid overseers had too much on their plate losing their control to the Jewish Maccabean revolutionaries.  Israel thus briefly became an independent State of golden memory.

Egypt had been allotted to General Ptolemy.  The Ptolemaic empire prospered for three hundred years before falling to Rome.  Now things are beginning to take shape.

With only three hundred years left in the Arien Age it was time for planning the accession of Pisces.  One must assume that the priestly colleges began to organize their agenda to create the event.  Bear in mind that a Jew, Jesus the God will be chosen the avatar who is neither Jesus of Nazareth nor Jesus the Christ while Jesus the Christ is Judeo/Greco/Egyptian and no longer wholly Jewish.

The End of the Age of Aries is quite different than the beginning.  The Hellenes have become totally dominant at all points in the culture.  Egyptian dominance has retreated although the priestly college of Memphis is powerful backed by the Greco-Egyptian Library of Alexandria; Rome has completed the universal State begun by Alexander of Macedon.  The Jews coming into existence at the beginning of Aries have survived all the vicissitudes of Aires to become a major influence at the end.  A sliver off the Semites at the beginning they have now become one of the most numerous people at the end.  While only the smaller people of Israel is today considered, at the time Egypt contained at least two million,  the Persian Empire millions more while every city in the Empire had a large colony and  Rome’s population itself probably equaled that of Alexandria.  Throw in the population of the islands and you have perhaps what could amount to a mighty nation and under Paul that dispersed population essentially subverted the Empire, becoming the Empire’s successor as the spiritual Roman Catholic Church of Sts. Peter and Paul, two Jews.  Of course the Empire went to hell as a result.  The loss of 70 was avenged.


We are concerned here with the religious development of Aries and Pisces. The small unrelated kingdoms of early Aries were now coalesced into a universal State under the aegis of Rome.  Such a universal State required a universal religion.  In the new state of affairs the field was open. Any universal religion might aspire to become primary. It would have been impossible to organize all the old Hellenic religions under one god. The only existing religion with possibilities was the Jewish national religion which had an invisible god that could be adapted to all peoples as Paul ultimately was able to do, but. In the final quarter of Aries Godt was inflexibly bound to the Jewish people.

The Hellenic Empire with its pantheon probably seemed appropriate to be the winner, especially united with Egyptian religion. The great priestly college of Memphis  had the ways and means.  The college was not reactionary; it saw the problem clearly and was not inactive.  It therefore designed a new religion and put it into execution.  This was the religion of Serapis.  It was a beautifully designed universal religion.  It also had the perfect means of dissemination through the second city of the Empire, Alexandria.  Alexandria was perhaps the first seaport of the Empire.  Egypt was the breadbasket of the Empire shipping wheat to every city.  All ships came to Alexandria so that the crews could be proselytized there and carry the seeds of the Serapian religion to every port in the Empire.  Those boys in Memphis were not sitting on their hands.

The religion was doing very well.  So well, that it terrified the Jews who determined to scuttle it.  The Jews comprised nearly half of Alexandria’s two million people while they were not averse to the judicious use of violence: tearing down altars, burning churches, good old fashioned terrorism,  slander, the works.  The universal church was one thing, the other was capturing the avatar of the Age of Pisces.

The avatar’a period of rule is, of course, limited to the sun passing through a sign to twenty-one hundred and some odd years. After that period he is off to far tartary, the other side of the Zodiac, a forgotten entity.  Thus the time of Zeus was nearing its end.  The transitions were quite stormy in human terms and this one, the period of the Jewish-Roman wars would be as bloody as they come.  It appears that the Greek candidate for avatar of Pisces  was Dionysus, who, if you can think this way was recognizably being groomed to replace Zeus, while the Egyptian candidate was their vegetation god, Osiris.  The priesthoods were busy at work backing their candidate.

Now, the birth story of Jesus is pure astronomical myth.  It never happened.  Nothing close to it ever happened,  There are at least three different visions of Jesus, he of the mythical birth, the historical or quasi-historical Jesus and the consensual Jesus the Christ, that is Jesus-Dionysus-Osiris.  The whole process took hundreds of years to work through.

Let us examine the preposterous birth story.  The story is all magical, that is impossible.  There is no possible way for the divine baby to have been found and recognized.  According to the myth three kings of the orient, that is the East, one of which was Persia, other two unknowns got wind that the avatar of Pisces was to be born in Samaria, if they had ever heard of the place and knew where to find it.  Their significance was that their countries Arien avatars were doing obeisance to the Jewish and/or Greco-Egyptian avatar.  Thus the known world would be in united under one avatar who was Jewish, or, at least, Samaritan.

The Jews would have and did usurp the role away from the Mesopotamians, thus avenging their expulsion over Aries.  Pisces belonged to them and, yea, verily, it came to pass.  The charade of the manger in the barn may mean that the three mighty kings were compelled to come to ‘little’ Israel bearing extremely valuable gifts thus humbling themselves.

Nobody can actually follow a star- being led by it.  So the symbolism there is that they were following the star or stars of Pisces announcing the New Age.  Rather odd that such an astonishing event passed with so little notice isn’t it?  Rather than gathering their new found riches together, hiring a few asses to bear them along with the new mother and babe and returning home the new parents slipped away unnoticed where they resumed their old life in apparent poverty.  Odd, but no more so than Mary’s strange pregnancy.  Supposedly the spirit of God entered Mary’s ear, left or right isn’t known, and impregnated with the spirit of God.  It follows then that Jesus himself was a god as he would have to have been if he was avatar of Pisces.


The later Roman Empire was god obsessed.  Through the deification of the Roman Emperors who first were deified after death, then living gods on earth and finally through the Christian any human being was promised eternal life in heaven, that is godhood.  The success of the Christian movement more than anything else was based on the promise of everlasting life.  The great masses were persuaded to forego happiness on earth by the hope of going to heaven

In a world of gods, the notion of monotheism is one of the great jokes in history.  While the Jews claim to have invented monotheism they have never practiced it.  I’m sure the heavenly hosts, many people just like you and me are having a good laugh at our expense.   So innumerable gods existed and just like any other community there must have been a king or president thus there was great competition amongst the peoples for the honor of providing the most high god.  None of the existing gods could hope to attain that distinction.  The Jewish conception of the invisible god, ostensibly resembling no particular people was best fitted for the role and would succeed in the Christian dispensation but only be forfeiting his Jewishness.  Catholic means universal.  A universal god could not favor any one people, and especially not the Jews.  The Jews then disqualified themselves from universal leadership.  They were already abhorred even as Pisces dawned.

The priesthoods were laboring away to come up with a universally successful god.  The priests of Memphis,  Egyptians knew religion,  came up with an excellent conception in the Serapian religion and they had the perfect distribution point for sending out disciples. Unless I’m mistaken the established seminaries in Alexandria meant  to train missionaries.  It is impossible that the priests didn’t recognize what the Jews had done in establishing religious colonies through out the Roman Empire.  Thus the plan was laid out for them.

However one thing in which they erred was to create a magical idol to represent Serapis.  The Jews were nearly half the population of Alexandria which had to have been the center of the religion.  When it comes to being tricksters the Jews are second to none so that they easily penetrated and exposed the fraud of Serapis.  Before they did cadres of missionaries had been dispersed throughout the Empire including Israel to which a lad named Jesus was sent.

I think it highly probable that Jesus was not Jewish but a gentile Serapian missionary. As part of his education he was sent to various places to be indoctrinated.  The middle east was a hive of religious speculation from which the national Jewish religion was excluded because of their intense exclusiveness.  It is perfectly obvious that the man called Jesus had been initiated into the Greek cult of Eleusis to which everyone in the Empire aspired.  Eternal life was one of the promises of Eleusis.  Thus in the Last Supper Jesus gave away the secret of Eleusis.

For the rest Jesus’ magic was so much blather.  Nobody multiplies loaves and fishes or turns water into wine.  His wisdom was organized in Memphis and all the Serapion missionaries would have been repeating the same stuff.  You may ask how I know this.  Psychology.  The human mind is limited and always works in the same way.  What is had to be done.  Nothing is spontaneous.  Look at the way our minds are being manipulated today.  Same thing but with better electronic devices.

A universal god was required.  The Jewish national god could not be universal.  ‘For God so loved the Jews that he made them His own special people to whom all honors were due.  Jesus is said to have said:  ‘For God so loved the world that he favored no single people.  That negated Judaism.  Jesus was therefore a revolutionary.  Besides the Jews would have known that the formula came straight out of Alexandria and was part of the Serapion religion.  Give the ancients some credit; there were as many spies then as there are today.  Read the ancient texts with open eyes; it’s all right there plain for open eyes to see.

So Jesus was a spy in Jewish eyes, got caught and paid the price.  That would have been the end of it except for Paul.

The Deification of Jesus:  Jesus Becomes The Christ and Turns Into A God

The past, history, turns people into stick people, ossifies them, as the personalities are stripped from the living.  It Is therefore important to restore them to a living milieu.  The fact is that there was who ever that saw Jesus of Nazareth.  There are no eye witnesses reporting.  Here is Jesus then claiming to b a supreme magician who can multiply loaves and fishes, walk on water and turn water to wine.  It never happened, ever, by anyone.  Israel and Egypt were filled with magicians.  The priestly colleges studied to come up with magical tricks to fool the rubes.

In Egypt where they had apparently discovered the laws of magnetism the Serapion temple had an iron idol that was suspended in mid-air through magnetism.  Apparent real magic displaying the power of the god.  It was a fraud.  The Egyptian priests knew it.  Jewish priests knew it even if they hadn’t discovered the how.

The great nineteenth century French magician Robert Houdin, as fraudulent as magicians come, knew of electricity,  He contrived a trick in which an iron was placed on an iron board, the board activated by an electric switch.  He called from the audience for the strongest man to come forward to attempt to lift the magnetized  iron on the board, then Houdin hit the switch magnetizing the iron to the board, the strong man huffed and puffed but couldn’t lift the iron.  He was dismissed and Houdin called a little girl forward, flipped the electricity off and lo and behold the little girl lifted the iron up.  Great trick but it was a fraud.  No one in the audience knew anything of either electricity or magnetism.

If Jesus actually claimed to have performed his feats the Jewish magicians saw through the tricks as tricks.  Simon Magus was so impressed that he offered to buy the secrets of the tricks from Jesus.  It wasn’t probity that prevented Jesus from taking Simon Magus up, it was that he didn’t have anything to sell.  The elders then were watching this guy, Jesus,  with suspicious eyes.  And then Jesus committed the ultimate revolutionary act.  This must have sealed his fate.

On the porch of the Temple the usurers set up their tables and conducted their business on the high holy days.  Now, consider this:  the usurers were making a lot of money in priestly territory.  That means that the priesthood was getting their cut.  It follows from human nature, no documentation is needed.  So Jesus walks up and overturns the usurers tables scattering money every which way, declaring the practice is an abomination.  That is a revolutionary act disturbing the equilibrium of the State.  Is it any wonder that he was arrested and had to be condemned to death?  It was done.  The Roman governors were merely tools in the hands of the Jewish judges who condemned Him.

The rumblings of the Jewish revolt against Rome were already under way when Jesus was executed, if that part of the story is true.  The Jews were already refusing to pay their Roman taxes.  Now, put this into context. The Jews were double taxed; first by themselves throughout all their colonies in the way of tithes, next by the Romans.  A steady annual flow of gold from all over the Empire flowed into Jerusalem every year.  The Jews had no government to support so that the gold was accumulating at a great clip while gold was being drained from the Empire.  Thus we have a tactic of asymmetrical warfare.  Had the Jews been a little more patient they might have been able to win the war.

At any rate the war broke out in 66 and by 70 the Jews were crushed.  Meanwhile a cult had grown up around Jesus, a purely Jewish cult.  It can’t be emphasized too heavily that the Jesus cult began as an entirely Jewish affair.  Initially Paul was talking to exclusively Jewish colonies in the various cities of the Empire.  The appeal to non-Jews was only achieved by jettisoning Jewish customs that had no appeal to non-Jews.  Even then the Minian religion, a it was called then grew slowly.

The early Roman Catholic church must have been mainly for Jews who organized it.  Many of the early popes must have been Jewish  When Constantine made Christianity the official sole State religion that must have opened the Church to majority non-Jews.

That development took hundreds of years.

Jesus only became the Christ after the issue of the avatar of the Piscean Age was settled.  Greek and Egyptian claims had to be accommodated so that the avatar combined the nominally Jewish Jesus, the Greek Dionysus and the Egyptian Osiris.  The three were combined into the Greek term The Christ.  Thus he became a sort of non-Jewish Jesus of Nazareth and a universal Jesus the Christ.

Now, as part of the deal,  I’m elaborating the psychologist, C.G. Jung here,  Jesus was the dominant avatar for only the first half of Pisces.  The second half was consigned to the female avatar that was a combination of the Egyptian Isis and the putative mother of Jesus, Mary, wife of Joseph.  As events turned out Isis/Mary only served for Southern Europe. She was repugnant to Norther Europe that preferred the divine huntress, Artemis of the Greeks passing under her Roman name of Diana.  Unless I’m mistaken the Diana cult continues until today although it is time for the Aquarius avatars to take over.

That will happen unless the Jews capture the Astronomical Religion and succeed in discarding it in favor of their vision of the eternal god Saturn.  I have heard some squeakings in that direction and from an unlikely quarter.

The ancient priesthoods may be gone but their role undoubtedly has been passed on to another college that is still functioning.